Biblical history has nothing to do with the scientific theory of evolution. You are attempting to engage two very separate things and make them one. It cannot be done.You keep saying this, but Paul went further. He said the curse applies to the entire creation (Romans 8). The entire creation groans waiting for Christ to return. Isaiah talked about the restoration in which Animals return to the vegetarianism of Gen. 1:29-30.
Evolutionary history contradicts biblical history, in that it teaches that death has been reigning millions of years prior to Adam's sin. This is why the history of the earth is a very meaningful debate, theologically.
I can tell you firsthand, kids in the Church light up and vividly understand the Gospel, when you tell them the backstory.
We trust what God has revealed in scripture.
Whether the earth is 6 billion years old or 6000 years old is of little significance.
What is significant is that man is in rebellion against God and therefore needs a redeemer, who is Jesus Christ our Lord.