Dear Brother Bob,
Be assured there are those of the Primitive Baptist faith and order who are along side you called 'free-wills' or arminians.
I do not know that I know what you are referring to believing; however from what I have studied of Regular Baptists in Ky. history they were of little difference from the PB.
As far as the split in 1863, I don't remember reading about that division. Was it a division of Old Regulars and Primitives?
I know of the New School and Old School split in 1832.
Just that you may know, I am recently coming out from the Landmark Missionary Baptists to the Old Line Primitives.
For several reasons, but the main I will list here:
The Landmark Missionary Baptists believe in gospel regeneration; I do not, Primitive Baptists do not.
The Landmark Missionary Baptists, though predominantly Calvinistic, believe that all the elect has in time and will continue as long as the world does, to hear the gospel and repent and believe. I do not believe this, Primitive Baptists do not.
Some, but certainly NOT ALL Landmark Missionary Baptists are embracing absolutism as you allude above some among the Primitives did likewise; which teaches that God is the first cause of all things; including the sin of the creature; that all the elect will hear and believe the gospel; and therefore all the elect will be converted (these last two points are among LMB's, I don't know about absoluter Primitives, but I would doubt they would fellowship with this belief, but, and unless I am reading some wrong, and if I am I beg forgiveness, some are aligning with these points subtly). I do not agreee with any of these and Primitive Baptists do not agree with these.
Primitive Baptists are generally, but not always amelennial.
For the most part I have found I am in agreement with what Primitive Baptists believe, so finding this to be what is in my heart, I have decided to move. I will experience baptism into the membership of the Barren County Primitive Baptist church this Saturday at or around 2:00pm. Please remember this, myself and the church in your prayers.
As far as being called free-will or arminian, some, but not all my former LMB acquaintenances are convinced I am either or, or even antinomian some have said because I have rejected their tendency toward absolutism.
I wonder if your statement above is not referring to two-seedism, which is a heresy closely related to absolute predestination of all things that come to pass. I wonder this because you speak of double predestination. Primitives, on the whole, do not believe that and historically have not believed it. Instead we believe the redeemed were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world; but all who are redeemed were chosen from out of the fallen race of Adam.
I have been six years among the LMB's and growing all that time more toward the Primitives. I could no longer preach what I was not believing myself.
Primitive Baptists have always believed salvation (eternal life) is wholly by grace but that there are many different experiences of salvation which are deliverances in time based on our obedience/losses based upon our disobedience. Therefore, others who believe the Absolute Predestination of all things will 'call' us arminians because of the belief of conditional time salvation. The conditional salvation being our knowing to do good and doing it as a child who hears, is given to understand and does. Some are afraid of the word 'conditional' but I see it as what really helped me to understand their points.
I hope the Lord will greatly bless you dear brother in all your life and service to Him,
Bro. Dallas Eaton