...It's not about belief in the Word, but how one interprets it. Apparently you think Jesus doesn't believe the OT scriptures because he didn't follow its precepts by stoning the adulterous woman...and its painfully obvious why not a single one of you will even address that point which has been raised several times now.
Jesus, the second person of the triune God has the unique right to forgive the sinner and in fact he did forgive this lady. Also, Jesus, God with us chose the exact time to appear among us, a time when Israel did not have political control over civil matters. If they did, the Jews would not have had to ask Pilate to pass judgement on Jesus and they probably would have gone through with stoning Jesus John 8:58 but were held back in part I believe because they did not have the civil authority to do so.
Jesus stated himself that he came not to judge but to seek and save the lost. This includes both the adulterous woman and the Scribes and Pharasees. It would have been counterproductive for him to pass judgement on one sinner and let another sinner off scott free. He who searches the heart and mind knew full well that the Pharaseese wanted to use the adulterous woman to further their own ungodly purposes, not to keep society pure. Note that Jesus forgave the woman but he did not forgive those who brough her to Jesus.
Also in the passage you keep referring to, Jesus said to the Jews, in effect, if you have no sin, go ahead, stone her. But they were convicted of their sins.
There are other points to be made here but I think this should do for now. The reason why I haven't addressed your point is, and I'm sure others here feel the same, is because your premise is, to be quite frank, silly.