The CAC affirms that the Bible is absolutely true and trustworthy and is the written word of God which bears witness to the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ. We prefer to reserve such terms as "inerrant" and "infallible" to God alone, lest the Bible should be made an idol by some.
The CAC, unlike many Protestant communions, but in accord with Anglicanism and Methodism, holds that reason, tradition, and experience are also sources of authority for the church, but that these are secondary to the Spirit and the Bible.
However, we have grounds for believing that God does not alter His saving activity toward those who have died. For instance, 1 Peter 3:18-20 and 4:6 strongly suggests that the apostolic mind thought that change is possible in the life beyond.
Thus, the ancient practice of prayers for the dead does not have to imply a belief in purgatory; it could be done on the basis of the belief that God, directly and through those who serve Him, continues to seek those who have closed themselves off from God.
If this is true, then the door to hell is locked only from the inside. For these reasons, I believe that the door to repentance is never closed -- neither in this life, nor in the next.
Inerrancy of Scripture
The doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture is a controversial one; I believe one reason for this is that there are several definitions of the doctrine. Another reason is that some are intent on shoving their definition down people's throats. One large Protestant denomination has been torn apart over this very controversy. For these reasons and others, I avoid this term; I prefer to simply affirm that the Bible is true and trustworthy and is the written word of God which bears witness to the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ.