I should not have to explain anthropomorphism to a seminary graduate.
For most of Christian history most believers wouldn't have any clue as to what anthropomorphism is, yet they were able to relate to God as He chose to reveal himself. You don't need a degree to understand God's revelation of Himself. He inspired fishermen not philosophers for a reason. He chooses the simple to shame the wise.
If God wished to reveal himself in the terms by which you believe him to be he certainly could have chosen those terms. He most certainly is more capable than even Jonathan Edwards to plum the depths of human language by which to explain Himself and His workings. But he didn't use those terms. He chose relational words...words we can understand and relate to. He reveals, without qualification, that he makes choices, which is 'selecting between available possibilities,' something your construct outright denies based on your finite understanding of omniscience.
I'm sorry, but I refuse to deny revelation based on my finite logic of infinite matters.