Heavenly Pilgrim
New Member
Originally Posted by Heavenly Pilgrim http://www.baptistboard.com/showthread.php?p=1392796#post1392796
HP: That is pure conjecture without the least bit of reasonable support. There is simply no end to the desperate attempts to support ones presupposition of OSAS.
Amy: Act 7:51 Ye stiffnecked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost: as your fathers [did], so [do] ye.
These were unsaved people. They were "uncircumcised in heart" because they had resisted the Holy Spirit.
Uncircumcised in heart = unsaved.
It is the Holy Spirit that convicts, and resisting Him results in being UNSAVED.
HP: Here was the point you made.
Amy: Resisting the Holy Spirit that Stephen was talking about is in regard to salvation. Quenching the Spirit in the context that Paul was speaking about has nothing to do with salvation.
HP: You have said or produced nothing that shows that the verse in 1Thess 5:19 speaking of ‘quenching the Spirit’ has “nothing to do with salvation” as you claim. You simple are starting from the unsupported presupposition of OSAS and reasoning in a circle, assuming without proof that your presupposition is correct. Again you simply cannot have the text speaking of salvation, not do to any evidence in the passage itself, but rather because to do so would do damage to your presupposition of OSAS.