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Once saved always saved !!!

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by fatbacker, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. Thankful

    Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I agree, and you will find many friends right here on the Baptist Board. You might want to join some of the discussions in the Fellowship Forums.
  2. Roguelet

    Roguelet Guest

    Hey you guys I totally agree with you that we need friendships and all. But what I am saying is we just can't sit around expecting God to drop people at our doorstep and to be as sensitive to the Holy Spirit as we are. I said before i learned along time ago it ain't about me it's about God and his people. I am responsible for how I act, not how others act towards me. It may be harder for you guys but i go to get togethers when I am invited, some turn down people so much they never get invited any more. I reach out to those who are hurting, not expecting anything in return ever ( i do it because Gods love in me causes me to ) I go to church whenever church doors are open and find my fellowship there. I do not critized people during get togethers, I let people know I am open to their opinions, thoughts, and feelings. I don't have high expectations that cannot be met by others. We have had probably 90% more people over our house for dinner than those who have asked us or myself over even when i was single. And we are pretty fun to be around, i think. I learned along time ago that is how it is. so am I going to spend my whole life feeling sorry for myself or am I going to be the inituator in relationships.

    It's all about expectations. Gods or yours ?
  3. Roguelet

    Roguelet Guest

    I'm not sure cyber friends is what God was thinking of when he made us. He wants us to be more involved in peoples lives than getting our unrealisitc needs met through a computer.

    The only real satisfaction in this world is to Gloryfy God and the only way to do that is by serving him and others. Not our own egos.
  4. fatbacker

    fatbacker New Member

    Apr 12, 2005
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    Roguelet says "I said before i learned along time ago it ain't about me it's about God and his people."

    I am confussed are you one of God's people or not?

    I am one of them so it is about me, well, God and me then other people and me.

    Thats another thing I don't understand. People say its not about you its all about God. You here it from the pulpit and then before the end of the sermon you here the preacher talking about personal walk with God. Well if He wants to get personal with me and then I guess it is not all about Him. Its about Him and I and the people we come in contact with. But it is about His righteousness and His alone since mine are like filthy rags.
  5. Roguelet

    Roguelet Guest

    Yep I'm one of Gods people, evidently one of his more " secure " ones ;)
  6. HildaM38

    HildaM38 New Member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    This has been very interesting to read every one's post and replies on this OSAS subject. I for one don't believe in Once Saved-Always Saved. I can not live the way I please..I got to obey God's Word, obey His commandments..live for Him only..I can not serve two masters, there is a lot of scripture to back this up,time doesn't permit me to look up all as it's already after midnight. What I'd like for some one to shed some light on for me is this scripture in Hebrews 10:26,27- For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins.- But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and firey indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
  7. Bartimaeus

    Bartimaeus New Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    I did not mean to portray a crass or uncaring attitude and I don't believe Bro Ed does either. He has a different way of replying than anyone on the board and it is humorous to me.
    Yet, you made no reply to his points. Let me take it one step further and add (if I may borrow from his strategy) one more picture and please advise us: When God passes me from death unto life, how can I willingly wish myself back to death again? God did the "passing". I had nothing to do with it. If I am in THE state of LIFE, placed there by the power of God, through the blood of Christ (God), how do I just get up and walk away? I have never met anyone who has walked away that has been through the Blood. AND......according to the correct interpretation of Heb. 6, you would have to crucify Christ again to get back into it. All the people I have ever met who are in and out, in and out, in and out, (according to them)had no "anchor, steadfast and secure" to start with.
    Thanks ------Bart
  8. ptl4evr

    ptl4evr New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Gee! Sounds like what happened 400 years ago.
  9. ptl4evr

    ptl4evr New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    I've seen people leave the church and not come back. While they were there evryone said oh they're saved. Then when they left the excuse is always they were never saved to begin with. Hmmmm
  10. ptl4evr

    ptl4evr New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Uh OH are we gonna talk about TRADITION?
  11. ptl4evr

    ptl4evr New Member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    How can one reject what has happened in the past? It has already happened. I got saved. It isn't like a pencil that you can lose or throw away. It is something that happened to you. That can never change.

    You cannot, by changing your mind, change what has already happened. "rejecting God" sounds like you have the power to change the past but you don't. The regeneration that you experienced is still something that you experienced and no matter what we think, we cannot change the fact that we were regenerated.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Exactly, regeneration occurs, we become children of God, and then we must continue that walk with him for the rest of our lives. If we decide we don't want it anymore then we are no longer in God's grace when we die and then you know what happens.
  12. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    you said, "I've seen people leave the church and not come back. While they were there evryone said oh they're saved. Then when they left the excuse is always they were never saved to begin with. Hmmmm"

    Perhaps we shouldn't be declaring people "saved" or "unsaved" at all. Only God knows the hearts of men. I tell folks that if they believe themselves to be saved and are not living their lives for Christ, they shouldn't have any assurance of their salvation. Biblical church discipline is the answer for such folks.

    Concerning the issue of eternal security of the believer, scripture teaches in many places that salvation is completely a work of God's grace. If we don't "work" to earn our salvation, then we don't "work" to keep it. God brings us from darkness into light. He sustains us in the light of that salvation. If it were up to us, we would certainly loose it (never have it really). It is not up to us.
  13. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    When we have been born again in Christ, we have been BOUGHT by Him, with His BLOOD. We are not our own, but are His. Therefore it is not within us to nullify that purchase.

    However, if we find we are still desiring to live a life of sin after we think we have become Christian, maybe it is wise to check our relationship with God and make sure that we haven't just been playing a game with ourselves. God is not mocked. A serious believer has died to himself and is alive by the power of the Holy Spirit as God's child. There is a new nature which does not desire to sin and deeply regrets of sins which do happen.

    Any one of us who are born again can occasionally find ourselves even angry with God for things that have happened or not happened. But that anger, like a child's, does not last as His gracious Holy Spirit works within us to educate and mature us. There is none of us who somehow decides 'we don't want it anymore' and therefore lose our sonship (daughtership!) and salvation. Those who do turn away have simply reclaimed a life they never gave up in the first place. It may sound crass to say they were never born again, but they weren't. They played a game, and maybe fooled a lot of us in the process, but they never fooled God. And, finally, their real nature exerted itself against all the hypocrisy and they walked away.

    I have, with great sadness, even viewed here on Baptist Board some who have claimed to be Christian because they do this or that or attend church regularly, etc. But it is not what a person does that makes him a child of God, but what a person is. Then the actions simply are a result of that and not an issue forced against a sin nature which never was killed.
  14. canadyjd

    canadyjd Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    Well said, Helen
  15. Artimaeus

    Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    This is my point, you CAN'T decide to change the past. In the past you became a new creature, you were modified by God Himself, you were regenerated. He didn't ADD something to you that you can reject. He MADE you different and you cannot MAKE yourself different (back). We don't just join a team that we can quit. We were born again and there is nothing we can to do change the fact that we WERE born again.
  16. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    HildaM38: //I can not live the way I please..I got to obey God's Word, obey His commandments..live for Him only..I can not serve two masters, there is a lot of scripture to back this up,time doesn't permit me to look up all as it's already after midnight.//

    Amen Sister HildaM38 - you are RIGHT ON!

    HildaM38: //I for one don't believe in Once Saved-Always Saved.//

    If OSAS is as you described it - I don't believe in it either.

    What does this mean?

    Joh 3:16 (KJV1611 Edition):
    For God so loued ye world, that he gaue his only
    begotten Sonne: that whosoeuer beleeueth in him,
    should not perish, but haue euerlasting life.[/v]

    1. What does 'everlasting life' mean here?
    2. What does 'not perish' mean here?
    3. When does one get 'everlasting life'?

    My Doctrine of Eternal Security of the Believer says:

    1.Everlasting life has no end - no end ever.
    2. 'Not perish' means to spiritually suffer the second death.
    3. We, the followers of Jesus earn everlasting life starting
    when we believe in Jesus, the only begotten Sonne of God.
  17. natters

    natters New Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    4. What does "believeth" mean? ;)
  18. Ed Edwards

    Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Stand by [​IMG] My Pastor's sermon for
    Sunday, 16 Oct 2005 is titled: 'Salvation Faith'
    and taken from Hebrews 11:1-10. I should
    be able to answer your question after I
    hear that sermon. The past sermon was
    'Salvation Repentance' or better still:
    'Repentance that leads to Salvation'.

    I'll try to take notes [​IMG]
  19. Helen

    Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    What does 'everlasting life' mean?
  20. natters

    natters New Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    Ed, "believeth" in that verse is an ongoing continuous belief. It is in the present participle form in the Greek, not aorist (simple, one time) action.

    Helen, everlasting life means living forever. However, the verse says that's for whosoever believeth in him, and "believeth" must be ongoing as I explained to Ed.