B. Paul’s first example
1. 1 Tim 1:19-20; 19 keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. 20 Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, so that they will be taught not to blaspheme. NASU
a. At first glance maybe the passage does not seem to teach that one can fall from the faith, but a careful investigation of these verses reveals something different.
1) Some have rejected keeping faith and a good conscience.
a) Having put away, put off, to shove. Vines
b) This shows that these men had put off the faith, the Gospel by way already stated.
2) Because of this putting off of the faith some had suffered shipwreck.
a) They have made shipwreck; stranded, navigate.
b) Paul uses the word here figuratively, whereas in 2 Corin. 11:25 he uses the word literally.
b. Paul identifies two men who had done this very thing.
1) Hymenaeus and Alexander
a) Paul says that he has handed them over to Satan.
(1) This shows two things that should be observed. First if they were never saved then they belonged to Satan already, and would not need to be handed over, unless they were saved and erred. Secondly they were turned over to Satan so that they would learn not to do the things that caused the problem.
C. Paul’s second example
1. After Paul explains to Timothy why he is writing, he states that some will fall away from the faith in later times. 4:1
a. They shall depart from the faith, the gospel.
1) To remove, away, off, from a standing point, to no longer abide in it, to no longer continue, to become un established.
2) This will happen for the very reason that Paul has described in the first chapter, it was his first charge for Timothy in 1:3, 4
3) Paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.
4) These things can be avoided by being nourished on the words of the faith and of sound doctrine. 4:6
5) Disciple yourself for the purpose of godliness. V7
6) Paul tells Timothy to give attention to the reading of scripture, to exhort and teach one another. 4:13
2. Paying close attention to yourself and to your teaching, persevering will ENSURE eternal salvation for you and others. 4:16
D. Paul’s third example
1. Paul says that those of the faith who seek after riches and long for them have wandered from the faith. 6:10
a. Paul encourages Timothy to “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” 6:17 KJV
b. To follow after these things is to not pursue righteousness, godliness. V11
c. In doing what is right and standing fast we take hold of eternal life. V.12
d. Paul encourages them to do this until the appearing of Christ. V14
The bible does not teach that someone can lose their salvation, the bible teaches that they can forfeit it!
1. 1 Tim 1:19-20; 19 keeping faith and a good conscience, which some have rejected and suffered shipwreck in regard to their faith. 20 Among these are Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have handed over to Satan, so that they will be taught not to blaspheme. NASU
a. At first glance maybe the passage does not seem to teach that one can fall from the faith, but a careful investigation of these verses reveals something different.
1) Some have rejected keeping faith and a good conscience.
a) Having put away, put off, to shove. Vines
b) This shows that these men had put off the faith, the Gospel by way already stated.
2) Because of this putting off of the faith some had suffered shipwreck.
a) They have made shipwreck; stranded, navigate.
b) Paul uses the word here figuratively, whereas in 2 Corin. 11:25 he uses the word literally.
b. Paul identifies two men who had done this very thing.
1) Hymenaeus and Alexander
a) Paul says that he has handed them over to Satan.
(1) This shows two things that should be observed. First if they were never saved then they belonged to Satan already, and would not need to be handed over, unless they were saved and erred. Secondly they were turned over to Satan so that they would learn not to do the things that caused the problem.
C. Paul’s second example
1. After Paul explains to Timothy why he is writing, he states that some will fall away from the faith in later times. 4:1
a. They shall depart from the faith, the gospel.
1) To remove, away, off, from a standing point, to no longer abide in it, to no longer continue, to become un established.
2) This will happen for the very reason that Paul has described in the first chapter, it was his first charge for Timothy in 1:3, 4
3) Paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons.
4) These things can be avoided by being nourished on the words of the faith and of sound doctrine. 4:6
5) Disciple yourself for the purpose of godliness. V7
6) Paul tells Timothy to give attention to the reading of scripture, to exhort and teach one another. 4:13
2. Paying close attention to yourself and to your teaching, persevering will ENSURE eternal salvation for you and others. 4:16
D. Paul’s third example
1. Paul says that those of the faith who seek after riches and long for them have wandered from the faith. 6:10
a. Paul encourages Timothy to “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy” 6:17 KJV
b. To follow after these things is to not pursue righteousness, godliness. V11
c. In doing what is right and standing fast we take hold of eternal life. V.12
d. Paul encourages them to do this until the appearing of Christ. V14
The bible does not teach that someone can lose their salvation, the bible teaches that they can forfeit it!