Let you know, I am on the vacation in Florida, visiting parents. I will right back home next week on Friday.
I want to say something on OSAS with scriptures.
Whilst myself was a securist. I used to believed two things that a person could lose salvation - received the mark 666, and if anyone removed words from God's Word, God would removed or blot person out of the book of Life (Rev. 22:18-19).
In year 2002, I learned and realized that there are lot of scriptures in Bible showing me there are conditional salvation. It is so much overwhelmed on me. That why I am no longer myself as osas. I rather follow the Bible than what men saying according Col. 2:8.
Matt. 25:14-30 showing us that salvation is very clear conditional. This passage is talking about three servants with their talents. Remember, ALL three servents did received talents from THEIR same Lord(master). Master expects all three servants to use talents(do their duty or task). When they face their master. The first of two servants did do their talents, and master saying to them, "Well faithful servant". This is the picture of judgment seat of Christ. But the last third servant with one talent. He hide his talent from his master, and being shame, and not use it. Then, the master saying to him, "You evil slothful(lazy) servant!" Then, lazy servant is cast away into everlasting fire.
This passage doesn't say that a servant will suffer loss "reward", and still saved. This passage tells us very clear that, lazy servant will loss salvation, BUT will cast away into everlasting fire-lake of fire! - Matt. 25:30.
Matt. 25:14-30 is very strong speaking against OSAS doctrine, because many Christians who did not serve the Lord, will find out and shocked at the judgment seat of Christ/great white throne, that they will be end up cast away into lake of fire. They thought they are already saved, because of what many securists told them. But, they are deceived.
That servant HAVE talent with him, show that he was belong to Lord's at the first place, but, not use it. Prove this is conditional salvation, if we OBEY and serve the Lord and endure it till the end, then we shall be saved -Matt. 10:22; and Matt. 24:13.
In Christ
Rev. 22:20 -Amen!