The scriptures state that some of those who once were murderers, liars, adultary, etc have now been cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and are now saved.What is a command of God, but a commandment of God?
Murders, adulterers, thieves, covetous, and liars, etc will never enter in:
Revelation 22:15 KJB - For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Right? But what does scripture say who is a "liar"?
1 John 2:4 KJB - He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
"... love me and keep my commandments" - John 14:15; Exodus 20:6 KJB.
John what commandments are you talking about?
1 John 2:7 KJB - Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which ye had from the beginning. The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning.Do you realize that anyone in breaking God's Sabbath and disregarding His explicit command, they have broken all the commandments?
1. Placing another as 'god" before God, for they acknowledge another and obey themWhy is that commandment not important? It has the word Holy in it, the Holy Commandment [2 Peter 2:21 LKJB]. It has God's actual name YHVH in it, describing His authority, position and kingdom.
2. They have an idol, either of self, or another, they serve another, rather than the Creator [the LORD of the 7th Day]
3. They have taken God's name in vain, for they do not have His character [which the Law is a transcript of]
4. They have not rested, but worked, not believed but doubted
5. They dishonoured their Father in Heaven [Isaiah 58:13 KJB], and their Mother [Galatians 4:26 KJB]
6. They have murdered themselves, not resting, but continuing to work
7. They have commited adultery having left subjection to God, for another's will
8. They have stolen themselves from God, and thieved the time that belonged to Him, living as they pleased
9. They have born false witness in the world as to who God is, what His character is like
10. They have coveted their own ideas, plans and time rather than God's will.
The Sabbath commandment, a promise as are all the others, describes the moral aspect of God's character:
1. God is relational, God to man, and man to man, an at-one-ing God.
2. God is purposeful, God gives purpose, of work and rest.
3. God is Creator and Redeemer, and concerns Himself in love to that which is created, thus He is Life
4. God is an Author and Finisher, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and the ending, First and the last
5. God is Holy, and the Sanctifier and the one who Blesses
6. God is above nature, greater than creation
7. God is the example for all creation, in that He worked and in that He rested
8. God is selfless, being the giver, for it was given as a gift
9. God is logical, mathematical, orderly, consistent, star systems, planets, orbits, days, years, cycles, etc
10. God is no respecter of persons
11. God is worthy to be worshipped, loved, etc
12. God is the owner and sustainer
13. God is all about family, cohesive love
14. God is intelligent and wise, thus "remember" [a word, re-member, to bring back together as one]
15. God is fore-thinking
Do you see it a sin to not worship on saturday Sabbath, and to deny EW as a prophetess?