In this Confession it says that sinners must repent of their sins,
This saving repentance is an evangelical grace, whereby a person, being by the Holy Spirit made sensible of the manifold evils of his sin, does, by faith in Christ, humble himself for it with godly sorrow, detestation of it, and self–abhorrancy, praying for pardon and strength of grace, with a purpose and endeavor, by supplies of the Spirit, to walk before God unto all well–pleasing in all things.
Do you accept this?
I accept it ( not necessarily the whole confession, but that statement ), SBG.
But notice that nowhere does the confession state that repentance precedes the new birth.
It clearly says that it is an "evangelical
grace", and describes a person who has been made sensible of the evils of his sin and by faith in Christ, humbles themselves.
In other words, while repentance is a necessary evidence that must be present in the life of a believer, it is not something that can be used to gain God's favor or to procure the gift of eternal life from Him;
As I've pointed out in other threads, if anything that a man possesses or is given by God were to be used to gain
salvation from His eternal wrath, then that would turn the gift ( Romans 6:23 ) of God into a reward, and the Lord into a debtor ( Romans 4:4 ) to sinful men, who can then hold Him responsible to bestow His grace upon whoever meets His requirements;
From my perspective, that puts the whole thing right back under the terms of the Law...
in that man does what God requires, and God rewards them with good things.
If that's the way you think that salvation is accomplished, then I disagree.
To me, that's not grace, that is works and functions in exactly the same way that the Law did...
which could never bring forgiveness of sins but was only meant to show us that we need a Saviour to keep it for us, in God's eyes.
The New Testament in Christ's blood is not anything like the Old one...
That one was made by God with men, who turned around and disobeyed Him time after time and never did fulfill it.
The terms were earthly blessing and cursings for either obedience or disobedience.
The New one is different...
The men and women that God has given to His Son ( John 17:2 ), are the recipients of the covenant and abide by the terms of it.
Grace and forgiveness of sins through the shed blood of His Son, Jesus Christ...
Whose work during His life and on the cross, was for them.
May God bless you much in your ongoing studies.