Many folks are right, Paul was talking about polygamy but he was also talking about divorce and remarrying a different woman.
Marriage was first instituted by God himself not the government. If no man can put asunder what God has joined then in how can marriage to another woman while divorced from your wife not be the husband of more than one wife?
Most folks who claim it to be only polygamy that was being talked about are usually divorced and remarried to another themselves and what they really want is an exception to God's word for themselves. What stops this from being the "flavor of the month rule" or the year or the decade.
This was not intended to be a form of punishment but it is the way God wants His Church led. Why? Because He is God and that is what He wants.
How can a pastor, elder or deacon defend marriage when they have failed at it themselves?
Divorce is not the issue, it is remarrying another. Tho divorce could cause other qualifications not to be met.
Bottom line, 1 Cor 7 : 10 Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband.
11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.
There are many ministries available to all, but the offices of the church have qualification set by God. After all God sees the big picture , we don't.
Marriage was first instituted by God himself not the government. If no man can put asunder what God has joined then in how can marriage to another woman while divorced from your wife not be the husband of more than one wife?
Most folks who claim it to be only polygamy that was being talked about are usually divorced and remarried to another themselves and what they really want is an exception to God's word for themselves. What stops this from being the "flavor of the month rule" or the year or the decade.
This was not intended to be a form of punishment but it is the way God wants His Church led. Why? Because He is God and that is what He wants.
How can a pastor, elder or deacon defend marriage when they have failed at it themselves?
Divorce is not the issue, it is remarrying another. Tho divorce could cause other qualifications not to be met.
Bottom line, 1 Cor 7 : 10 Now to the married I command, yet not I but the Lord: A wife is not to depart from her husband.
11 But even if she does depart, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife.
There are many ministries available to all, but the offices of the church have qualification set by God. After all God sees the big picture , we don't.