Pastor Shaun Reply
If you were wanting a degree that would prepare you for doctoral work, and it had to be 100% online....which program would you do and why?
I am not saying that I would study at the doctorate level; but I wouldn't want to complete a degree that would "get me stuck" so I couldn't, either.
Pastor Shaun,
I am afraid you have painted me into the proverbial "box."
This is an unanswerable question I believe. Let me go through a few on the surface answers issues if I may?
First, all three degrees smack of being "professional degrees." That is, they are not "academic track" type degrees. They are all for the "pastor-teacher" or "Christian worker" or "one involved in church work."
Secondly, at a major university they will all appeal to the "gate keepers" like what I have described above.
Thirdly, they have no Biblical languages. To do a doctoral degree in a Biblical discipline you must have at a minimum of two years each of the Biblical languages and then probably a reading level skill of theological French and German as a minimum. Four languages total.
Fourth, and this is the only thing I can say FOR SURE. Not one of the three degrees discussed would allow for the holder thereof to enter a Regionally accredited PhD program or an ATS accredited PhD or ThD program without some "leveling work." I.e., the person would have to bring their coursework, in certain areas, up to the Master of Divinity level. That is around 90 credit hours in certain disciplines. With one exception, you may not need 90 hours MDiv leveling work at a major university. But the part about the languages would still hold true.
So that is why it is so very important to decide "what you want to be when you grow up" now. If you even think you will want to get or have doctoral work later then this may not be the right route to pursue. But, if you only want to "do ministry," I cannot for the life of me see how either of the three degrees discussed above would be a bad deal.
Remember, "the call to preach is the call to prepare." And, "where God guides God provides." Do the degree that fits some of the criteria discussed in this post for this point in your life.
Fast. Pray. Seek wise counsel. Then come to the end knowing for certainty that you have made the correct decision for this season of your life and "the go for it" with all you have.
"My two cents worth," and remember you asked. :thumbs:
"That is all!"
PS Thank you for asking an old-timer like me my opinion. If there is one thing I am an expert on, it it my opinion!!