* In what other country can a person enlist for military service, and then decide after his country goes to war, that he should be on the other side? Sort of sounds like the rash of people who have started to decide that God made a mistake, and that they should have been born male, not female, or vice versa???
* In what country would a military service member be afforded the right to switch allegiances/sides; then gun down 13 [actually 14people, if you count the fetus of the pregnant female soldier] unarmed people as an act of representing his hate for Americans, and then have it be called "work-place violence?"
* In what country could a murderous traitor, the killer of 13 unarmed individuals [14 if you count the fetus of the pregnant female soldier who just returned from Iraq], continue to receive his entire pay, or $278,000.00 to date, while waiting for a trial that is being hailed as work-place violence and not terrorism?
* In what country would the murderous, traitor be accorded the right to act as his own attorney, forcing those who were lucky enough to survive his murderous rampage, to now have to face him as the defense attorney?
* In what country would the Attorneys General declare that the man-who publicly disavowed his allegiance to this nation, and in turn swear his allegiance to Radical Islam [our sworn enemy]-turn around and declare this persons acts as work place violance? And by doing so, denying those who died and, or were injured, the right to a purple heart and permanent medical care for the injuries incurred by this accused, self-declared terrorist who committed the act to "even the odds for his side," Islam?
I'll tell you exactly where that country is. It's right here in AMERICA! What a travesty. What a slap in the face to those who swore an oath to protect this country from terrorists both foreign and domestic [and this killer was both foreign and domestic].
This entire fiasco is morally corrupt and judiciously inept, as it does not reflect the principles that this nation once stood for!
My question to the church, to the Christians that vote and make up the core of citizens in this nation, when is "enough, enough?" When are we going to take back, by force [spiritually speaking, of course], this country before the over-the-board liberals [and they are not really liberals; they are more socialistic dissidents.] gut this nation of its morals and values right before our eyes!
We can't blame those in charge, if we ourselves are not willing to get off our duffs and do whatever is needed to right this sinking ship!
The trial of Col. Hasan is not the first wrong to be placed before the people, and it won't be the last, if we, the church and voting body of this nation does not stand up for Jesus and makes our voices heard. When you hear the words, "Let freedom ring!" That is symbolic of the sound of the Liberty Bell resonating as far and wide as necessary in order to let those with ears hear its triumphant call order, battle and attention!
I know that I am not the only believer, and American on this board who is fed up, but, will others stand up with me, and let their words and thoughts also resonate foar and wide? That is the question? That is my question?
Sound off! And let those who have fallen by the way side of sin, know that the army of God is sending out the call to arms. It is time for REVIVAL, and that is all that can help to right this sinking ship! :wavey:
* In what country would a military service member be afforded the right to switch allegiances/sides; then gun down 13 [actually 14people, if you count the fetus of the pregnant female soldier] unarmed people as an act of representing his hate for Americans, and then have it be called "work-place violence?"
* In what country could a murderous traitor, the killer of 13 unarmed individuals [14 if you count the fetus of the pregnant female soldier who just returned from Iraq], continue to receive his entire pay, or $278,000.00 to date, while waiting for a trial that is being hailed as work-place violence and not terrorism?
* In what country would the murderous, traitor be accorded the right to act as his own attorney, forcing those who were lucky enough to survive his murderous rampage, to now have to face him as the defense attorney?
* In what country would the Attorneys General declare that the man-who publicly disavowed his allegiance to this nation, and in turn swear his allegiance to Radical Islam [our sworn enemy]-turn around and declare this persons acts as work place violance? And by doing so, denying those who died and, or were injured, the right to a purple heart and permanent medical care for the injuries incurred by this accused, self-declared terrorist who committed the act to "even the odds for his side," Islam?
I'll tell you exactly where that country is. It's right here in AMERICA! What a travesty. What a slap in the face to those who swore an oath to protect this country from terrorists both foreign and domestic [and this killer was both foreign and domestic].
This entire fiasco is morally corrupt and judiciously inept, as it does not reflect the principles that this nation once stood for!
My question to the church, to the Christians that vote and make up the core of citizens in this nation, when is "enough, enough?" When are we going to take back, by force [spiritually speaking, of course], this country before the over-the-board liberals [and they are not really liberals; they are more socialistic dissidents.] gut this nation of its morals and values right before our eyes!
We can't blame those in charge, if we ourselves are not willing to get off our duffs and do whatever is needed to right this sinking ship!
The trial of Col. Hasan is not the first wrong to be placed before the people, and it won't be the last, if we, the church and voting body of this nation does not stand up for Jesus and makes our voices heard. When you hear the words, "Let freedom ring!" That is symbolic of the sound of the Liberty Bell resonating as far and wide as necessary in order to let those with ears hear its triumphant call order, battle and attention!
I know that I am not the only believer, and American on this board who is fed up, but, will others stand up with me, and let their words and thoughts also resonate foar and wide? That is the question? That is my question?
Sound off! And let those who have fallen by the way side of sin, know that the army of God is sending out the call to arms. It is time for REVIVAL, and that is all that can help to right this sinking ship! :wavey: