HoS, would you say that there is any degree of probability greater than 0 and less than 1 regarding God's knowledge of a free choice of a human?
No, it would not be a probability issue....God knows.....and knows flawlessly and exhaustively the future as much as a Calvinist or an Arminian would believe, including the free choice of humans....in a way....the Molinist actually puts a greater emphasis, or rather, posits a new dimension to God's omniscience in that they posit an extra type of knowledge not included in the average Cal or Arm understanding, the "Middle Knowledge"
It seems to me that Molinism would remove any probability related to the free choice of man.
If I understand what you are saying....it does.
Is this what your are referring to as the OT's modal mistake?
By that I mean that I feel there is a confusion in necessity and possibility...I do not believe that God's foreknowledge of an event reders the choice non-existent or moot....the free decision itself dictated the content of what God knew beforehand. The what that God knows remains contingent upon the free choice of the creature.
In the explanation I gave, is the Open Theist inaccurate regarding their criticism of Molinism and classical arminianism regarding foreknowledge?
I am not sure what explanation you are refering to...sorry :tear:
Maybe this deserves a separate thread since we are off topic. I've got several threads in my mind... and just not enough time!
I'm not sure about others, but I'm desiring less debate and more understanding. Some people have it all figured out though... Some people really enjoy the comfort of a settled opinion.