I have a thought. Because philosophical views have been presented, I thought it might be worth considering a science oriented thinking. Even if it presents a completely a fake science view. 
This thought is not much of one, and perhaps not worthy of the discussion on original sin, but one that comes from a mind that tends to wander all over topics rather then attend to specifics.
Could Adam have been a neanderthal?
Consider that there is no mtDNA that shows up as neanderthal (mtDNA comes from the female linage) in modern human, yet DNA does show Neanderthal inbreeding occurred and is in modern humans, then the line of thoughtlessness might go: Adam sin is both physical and spiritual. Physical in that if he were a neanderthal then his sinful DNA would not be found in Christ who would have had mtDNA but not the DNA of the neanderthal - Adam, but of the heritage of Mary and God. Therefore, although all are of the first Adam physically and spiritually fallen, yet Christ as redeemer gives the believer new DNA in the new body that is not neanderthal origin.
Like I posted, this is merely the wandered wonderings of one who's mind wanders most often off the page....
This thought is not much of one, and perhaps not worthy of the discussion on original sin, but one that comes from a mind that tends to wander all over topics rather then attend to specifics.
Could Adam have been a neanderthal?
Consider that there is no mtDNA that shows up as neanderthal (mtDNA comes from the female linage) in modern human, yet DNA does show Neanderthal inbreeding occurred and is in modern humans, then the line of thoughtlessness might go: Adam sin is both physical and spiritual. Physical in that if he were a neanderthal then his sinful DNA would not be found in Christ who would have had mtDNA but not the DNA of the neanderthal - Adam, but of the heritage of Mary and God. Therefore, although all are of the first Adam physically and spiritually fallen, yet Christ as redeemer gives the believer new DNA in the new body that is not neanderthal origin.
Like I posted, this is merely the wandered wonderings of one who's mind wanders most often off the page....