You don't see how God could raise up out of the RCC valid bona fide assemblies of Christ?
Can a clean thing come out of an unclean? Not one (Job. 14:4). The Scripture does not authorize in the Great Commission self-administered baptism which would be necessary for a bona fide assembly to originate out of Roman Catholic materials. The pronoun "ye" is distinguished from the pronoun "them" in the Great Commission. The Lord at no point authorizes "them" to evangelize, baptize, teach or assemble themselves. That authority belongs exclusively and only to those ALREADY DISCIPLED, already evangelized, baptized and assembled to be taught how to observe all things or else he could never say in past tense "whatsoever things I HAVE commanded YOU." Roman Catholics would be required to usurp the authority given only to previously evangelized, baptized and churched "ye" and thus reversing the commission authority from "ye" to "them."
The text is a direct allusion to the 'I was first' jealousy that overcame them when God raised up from the Gentiles children unto Abraham. The same attitude as yours when you imply 'Protestant' or 'Reformed' is invalid because they were raised up out of the RCC. You Landmarkists consider yourselves to be the 'real genuine thing' and set all others at nought. It stinks.
Just as there are Biblical essentials to be recognized as a true Christian, there are Biblical essentials for Christians to be recognized as a true New Testament congregation. You don't think the "brother" excluded from the assembly in Thessalonica (2 Thes. 3:6 "any brother") or the "brother" excluded from the assembly at Corinth (1 Cor. 5:11 "any brother") would be proper material to organize a church do you? If so, then why exclude them in the first place? The Reformers were merely Reformed ROMAN CATHOLICS, they had no baptism and where there is no baptism there can be no true congregation of Christ. They had no scriptural ordinances at all, and where there are no scriptural ordinances there can be no true assembly of Christ. They had no qualified elders (1 Tim. 3:1-13; Tit. 1:5-13) "sound in the faith" and where there is no qualfied elders, with no qualified baptism, with no qualified ordinances there only exists a perverted assembly (harlot daughters of Rome).
True New Testament congregations are the "pillar and ground of the truth" and more than mere gospel truth is required to be a church of Christ (Mt. 28:19; Acts 2:40). Reformed churches are wholly bankrupt of essentials to be recognized as a church of Christ - no baptism, no ordinances, no qualified administrators or ordained men - and persecutors of historic Baptistic congregations along with their mother Rome.
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