Instead of writing from a Biblical point of view he wrote from a Reformed point of view. The default is not Reformed. The default is the Bible. It is our final authority in all matters of faith and practice.
Folks, it is important to remember that a person CAN write from a reformed view and it be Biblical.
The Reformed hold the Bible as their final authority, too.
DHK is right when stating "The default is not Reformed. The default is the Bible."
It should be the most resounding alarm when one exalts a view above Scriptures - which is what cult leader's do do. (David Koresh, Jim Jones for example of recent extreme ones)
"Close your Bibles and look up here at me. What I am going to preach to you is important and I want you to listen to what I am saying" (Example, any sermon by Jack Hyles)
Compare that to the typical reformed pastor who shows consistency, purity, reliability, and veracity of the Scriptures by actually using Scriptures through out their sermons; in effect saying, "Look at the Scriptures and let them speak to your own heart and live them out in practical daily exercise." (Example, any sermon by Charles Spurgeon.)
Oops, I closed the post without finishing it.
I was going on to say:
Compare that to any non-reformed who consistently points the assembly to the Scriptures as valid in faith and practice in all areas of living - just as the reformed do do. (Example, John R. Rice, Adrian Rogers (both now deceased))