Well-Known Member
Yes and another good example of them being out of touch is their short-sightedness when it comes to all things like Medicare for all and free college tuition, and the eradication of student debt.Fully agree. I fear that a large segment of the voters are equally out of touch with reality.
It would complete eradicate the billionaire wealth of this country in order to get rid of the current student debt, and provide free college tuition and universal health care.
They think they can just tax the rich, but just one year of free college tuition and the eradication of student loan debt would cost trillions and there are not enough billionaires to cover that bill. There would be no more billionaires to cover next year. There would be no billionaires to tax in order to cover Medicare for all. The Democrat plan would not cover 1 year of giveaways that they envision. Yang's plan to give $1,000 to every American every month would not get off the ground.
What the Democrats don't understand is that when you put the government in charge of something, that "something" gets more expensive. When student loans became federal student loans, college tuition went through the roof. The colleges and universities knew that the government was paying for everything and so they gouged the government.
The same with everything else. Health care, if you going to get it through the government is going to skyrocket in costs. It isn't cheap now and Single Payer in America will make this look like the good ol' days.
So not only would the billionaires not be able to fund all of these things at their current cost, there would no one to fund them when costs go up double, triple, quadruple.