Yes...let's give statehood to terrorists.We need to pull out of the UN
agree, and while we're at it, we need to kick the UN out of the US.
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Yes...let's give statehood to terrorists.We need to pull out of the UN
I am. That land, and so much more, belongs to Israel as God has promised.
... if America's enemies and those who would do harm to Americans hate somebody, that somebody is my friend.
He that passeth by, and vexeth himself with strife belonging not to him, Is like one that taketh a dog by the ears. Pr 26:17
Do you subscribe to the neocon notion it's not that these extremists disagree with our policies, but rather they “hate our freedoms”? Do you believe that it's that simple?
no, I don't.
but, right now, what we have is an America that is slowly being Islam-ized (lol. Webster'd be pulling his hair on that one), and it's something that we need to realize.
Call it naivette, but that's how I see what's happening, and maybe the Palestinians are right, maybe they're wrong, I don't particularly care which.
What I care about is for America not to wake up one morning and find that every religion is free for ridicule except Islam, and every religion is barred from its right to free speech, except Islam.
I have no hatred for Palestinians, or Muslims, except where their interests clash with America's.
You know I don't subscribe to being allied with Israel because "he who blesses Israel will be blessed by God, and he who doesn't will be cursed by God".
All I know is Americans are getting killed, America is being attacked, and American society is being corrupted, and the current president is doing nothing about it.
Maybe because he's on their side ?
Sorry Brother, but no 'Islamization' goin on in my neck of the woods. Lots of socialistic federal big govnt regs being imposed though, and Muslims have zilch to do with that. Socialism is a very real threat to our freedoms, and, Muslims have nothing to do with that.
A few gas stations and motels ran by Pakistanis and Iranians does not compute to 'Islamization' with me. They just want to improve their lot just like the rest of us,
Perhaps recollections from your homeland are influencing your perception of things? Maybe? I've read of 'Muslim' insurgencies in the Phillipines before.
Common sense goes a long way, and does not even require Scripture. Who is a democracy in the Middle East, and believes in liberty, freedom, individual rights, and the dignity of life? Is it Israel or Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Eygpt, Jordan, Oman, and Yemen? If the United States was threatened with invasion, who would you trust to come to our aid as an ally, Israel or the nut case Muslim states who are friends as long as you give handouts of military weaponry? If anyone on this board thinks Pakistan is any better ally, take away their foreign aid. Also, everyone forgets the ten or so Muslim nations that used to be a part of the Soviet Union.
Allies must have something in common. Liberty, freedom, civil rights, the dignity of life, respect for our fellow man are not compatible with the Muslim religion or nations. When the United States deteriorates to a certain level, they would as soon wipe you and your families out as look at you.
We have given Muslim nations billions, no trillions of dollars. We have blown them up then rebuilt them. Thousands of American lives have been sacrificed for the ill conceived notion that everyone is the Middle East is going to go arm in arm down the yellow brick road in peace to the Land of Oz.
The first mistake we made is establishing diplomatic ties with barbarians. The second mistake we made was allow American businesses to enrich those countries. This was followed by giving them free military hardware, and advanced at that. Then, we ask the American people to pay billions of dollars to these savages to maintain the "peace" with Israel.
I can count on one or two hands the number of reliable allies we have: Israel, Australia, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, Poland, France, Canada, and maybe some of the former Eastern European countries.
You are right. Enough was said in your first post to last one a life time. Common sense is obviously lacking from anyone's catagory that cannot see the threat. Please change your state of residence. It is embarrassing.Please, save the common sense sermon for someone else, 'Mr nuke em' exterminate em' all'.
Enough said.
The UN just voted in favor of palestinian statehood.
You know, those terrorists could have just as easily taken over another jet and aimed it at Manhattan. It wouldn't have taken that much more jet fuel to fly just a wee bit north of the WTC and, say, not much more than a mile or so eastward and aim that jet's nose right into the UN complex.
Know why they didn't even consider doing so?
They knew where their friends were! :tonofbricks:
Sorry Brother, but no 'Islamization' goin on in my neck of the woods. Lots of socialistic federal big govnt regs being imposed though, and Muslims have zilch to do with that. Socialism is a very real threat to our freedoms, and, Muslims have nothing to do with that.
A few gas stations and motels ran by Pakistanis and Iranians does not compute to 'Islamization' with me. They just want to improve their lot just like the rest of us,
Perhaps recollections from your homeland are influencing your perception of things? Maybe? I've read of 'Muslim' insurgencies in the Phillipines before.
Here, then, are 8 reasons Leftists should be Pro-Israel (or, at least, Pro-Peace rather than Anti-Israel):
1. Human Rights. The Left fights for human rights in the world. Even if one thinks Israel or its soldiers guilty of human rights violations (and I am not willing at the outset to grant this point), there is no international or historical comparison that could reasonably rank Israel among the worst criminals of the world or of history. Whether we look at the scale of the conflict, the numbers of lives lost, or the treatment of the press or of dissidents, there are far too many examples of bloodshed and persecution dwarfing anything done by Israel against the Palestinians over the last four decades since the Six Day War, when Israel was attacked by its neighbors. Even Arab treatment of Palestinians, such as in Jordan's Black September massacre, caused thousands of deaths, possibly more in 10 days than in four decades of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And how can we compare Israel to Mugabe's Zimbabwe, or the Chinese crackdown on Tibet and Tianneman? Or the disappearances and death squads of Latin America Square or the killing fields of Pol Pot? Let alone the genocide pursued by Hitler or Stalin's murderous reign? Let us be clear: genocide is the attempt to exterminate an entire people and culture; this is not what has happened to the Palestinians, and it is not the goal of Israeli policy. By contrast, the explicit aim of Hamas is to eliminate Israel. So, if we support human rights and oppose persecution, ought we not first to focus our efforts on the places where we find the worst situations? Can anyone rationally claim that among these places, let alone the most horrendous of all, is a small nation on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea?
<Reasons 2-7 snipped, see link for the rest>
8. Progress. We want movement on Palestinian-Israeli and Arab-Israeli peacemaking. Yet, demonizing Israel, singling it out, as is done at the UN and on college campuses will do little to advance peace. We all know, have all known for decades the basic outlines of a peace settlement. The Israelis have been prepared for this and have prepared their citizens. The Left should be pressuring Palestinians to accept peace and to stop teaching their children that Jews are monsters after their blood. This sort of pressure might bring some progress.
It was long ago time for Leftists to tear down the poster that features Israel as the demon-child of human rights abuse and repression. It is time for Leftists to become outraged not over Israel, but over the distortions and demonization of Israel on college campuses and at the United Nations and throughout the media and politics. It is time for Leftists to reject the treatment of Israel as a pariah, or Jews as bloodthirsty murderers, and time instead to welcome Israel into the community of nations as a full member, subject to the same criticism and praise as any other nation.
Bro, the "Islamization" I am talking about goes beyond them owning businesses here.
You'll understand when you wake up and find that Sharia has been incorporated into our judicial system's decisions, either in full, or in part.
You'll know when you see Dearborn, Michigan being duplicated in other parts of this country.
I got no beef with them coming to this country.
I do have a problem when they try to impose their culture in ours, or act as if their ways fit totally with ours, like it's none of our business if they murder their wives or daughters because honor killing is just normal for them.
In one way you're right about my experiences in the Philippines still ringing in my ears, so to speak.
My birth district in Manila used to be clean and orderly.
Not to say the crime rate was nil.
Not anymore.
When "they" came, well, there are lots of Filipinos, I suppose, in Kentucky.
Some of them should be able to say something.
These people have a way of keeping quiet and going along with the flow, until they grow in numbers in an area, then they get all different.
I would defend anyone’s right to believe in Islam. The question is: How could one truly practice Islam without declaring Jihad on others? After a Muslim has won the “internal struggle” or Jihad within himself, the next step is to wage it against all others. To refrain from that part of Jihad is to risk the accusation of being a slacker or pseudo-Muslim. From the first stage to the last, all such effort constitutes “working towards the Prophet and Allah.”
“When politically correct and culturally diverse societies agreed to ‘the reasonable’ Muslims demands for their ‘religious rights,’ they also get the other components under the table. Here’s how it works (percentages source: CIA: The World Fact Book, 2007).
*** One percent ***
“As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country it will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone….”
Here is where it becomes interesting. Note throughout the exponential scale of Islamic influence as the percentage of Muslim population per country increases. Comments in square brackets are my corrective interjections.
United States: 1.0
Australia: 1.5
Canada: 1.9
China: 1.0-2.0
Italy: 1.5
Norway: 1.8
*** Two to three percent ***
“At 2% and 3% they [Muslims] begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs.”
Denmark: 2.0
Germany: 3.7
United Kingdom: 2.7
Spain: 4.0
Italy: 4.6
*** Five percent and over ***
“From 5% on they [Muslims] exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (“clean” by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves – along with threats for failure to comply (United States).”
France: 8.0
Philippines: 5.0
Sweden: 5.0
Switzerland: 4.3
The Netherlands: 5.5
Trinidad & Tobago: 5.8
“At this point, they [Muslims] will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, or Islamic law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.
*** Ten percent and over ***
“When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris – car burning). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam, Denmark – Mohammed cartoons, murder of Theo van Gogh).”
Guyana: 10.0
India: 13.4
Israel: 16.0
Kenya: 10.0
Russia: 10.0-15.0
The one anomaly in this set of statistics is Israel, which has not experienced uprisings and threats of violence. Its Arab or Muslim population enjoys equal political rights with Jewish Israelis. The suicide bombings and rocket attacks that have killed hundreds have been perpetrated by outsiders.
*** Twenty percent and over ***
“After reaching 20% [of a population] expect hair-trigger rioting, Jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia: 32.8
*** Forty percent and over ***
“After 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:”
Bosnia: 40.0
Chad: 53.1
Lebanon: 59.7
*** Sixty percent and over ***
“From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and jizya, the tax placed on [conquered] infidels:”
Albania: 70.0
Malaysia: 60.4
Qatar: 77.5
Sudan: 70.0
*** Eighty percent and over ***
“After 80%, expect state-run ethnic cleansing and genocide:”
Bangladesh: 83.0
Egypt: 90.0
Gaza: 98.7
Indonesia: 86.1
Iran: 98.0
Iraq: 97.0
Jordan: 92.0
Morocco: 98.7
Pakistan: 97.0
Palestine: 99.0
Syria: 90.0
Tajikistan: 90.0
Turkey: 99.8
United Arab Emirates: 96.0
I question the inclusion of “Palestine” in this set. “Palestine” simply means space occupied by stateless “Palestinians” in Gaza and the West Bank, and is the name of the state which Islamists wish to replace Israel, once it is destroyed. Turkey, after decades of having a secular, non-religious government, is beginning to turn “religious,” and seems to be yearning for the kind of Muslim government that cleansed the country in 1915 of non-Muslim Armenians in a genocide that predates the Holocaust.
*** One Hundred percent ***
“100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ – the Islamic House of Peace’ [more correctly, dar-al-Islam, or Land of Islam]. There is supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim.”
Afghanistan: 100.0
Saudi Arabia: 100.0
Somalia: 100.0
Yemen: 99.9
“Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.
“‘Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world and all of us against the infidel.’ Leon Uris, The Haj.
“It is good to remember that in many, many countries, such as France, the Muslim populations are centered around ghettos based on their ethnicity. Muslims do not integrate into the community at large. Therefore, they exercise more power than their national averagewould indicate.”
“Adapted from Dr. Peter Hammond’s book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat.”