If the Republicans want to have a ghost of a chance of winning the White House in 2012, 2016, or any future election, they are going to have to get serious. Candidates like Palin are not serious and can't win national elections. The Democrats did the same type playing around with Howard Dean. To win a national election a party has to get a serious candidate. Palin is not that candidate.
This is spot-on. :thumbs:
I think the Democratic party is really creating an opening for the GOP to make a comeback. Do I think the comeback is inevitable? No way. I think the GOP is going to have to find a clear leader to lead them into the future (i.e. not some blast-from-the-past like Newt Gingrich).
Moreover, the GOP needs to recognize the changing landscape of the country. This isn't the US of the Reagan Revolution. Younger generations are not nearly as conservative as the GOP. This is not to say that the average young person is a raging liberal (though many young people are), but it is certain that Gen Y and its successors do not think "liberal" is a dirty word.
What the GOP needs to avoid is the perception that it is the party of homophobic, greedy warmongers. Now, do I think that this is a fair description? No. However, the GOP has not provided a solid rebuttal to this perception. It needs to do so, for if it does not, it will most likely continue to decline.