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ajg1959 said:What is so bad about folks wanting to form their own nation?
Isnt that what the colonies did in 1776? And we celebrate that.
Alaska is as big as Texas, California and Montana combined, and they are several hundred miles from the US lower 48. They have a different culture and a different history than the lower 48. There are many reasons why being a sovereign nation might benefit Alaska. Perhaps they want to join Canada? I dont know, and dont care, but the idea that folks are traitors for wanting to govern themselves is ridiculous.
If they voted to get into the union, then they should be allowed to vote to get out. I dont think that folks that want to govern themselves are unpatriotic to the US. I am sure they love the US, but maybe they feel they can govern themselves better than Washington can,,,,and they are probably right.
From the website I read that they pledge full compliance to the constitution of the US. Here is the link
Platform and Goal
of the
Alaskan Independence Party
We affirm that all political power is inherent in the people; that all government originates with the people, is founded on their will only, is instituted to protect the rights of the individual; that all persons have a natural right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of the rewards of their own industry; that all persons are equal and entitled to equal protection under the law. We stand on a firm constitutional foundation.
We pledge to exert our best efforts to accomplish the following:
1. To effect full compliance with the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Alaska.
2. To support and defend States' Rights, Individual Rights, Property Rights, and the Equal Footing Doctrine as guaranteed by the constitutions of the United States of America and the state of Alaska.
3. To advocate the convening of a State Constitutional Convention at the constitutionally designated 10 year interval.
4. To reinforce the unalienable rights endowed by our Creator to Alaska law, by eliminating the use of the word "privilege" in the Alaska statutes.
5. To amend the Constitution of the State of Alaska so as to re-establish the rights of all Alaskan residents to entry upon all public lands within the state, and to acquire private property interest there in, under fair and reasonable conditions. Such property interest shall include surface and sub-surface patent.
6. To foster a constitutional amendment abolishing and prohibiting all property taxes.
7. To seek the complete repatriation of the public lands, held by the federal government, to the state and people of Alaska in conformance with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17, of the federal constitution.
8. To prohibit all bureaucratic regulations and judicial rulings purporting to have the effect of law, except that which shall be approved by the elected legislature.
9. To preserve and protect the Alaska Permanent Fund, Permanent fund earnings, earnings reserve fund and individual Permanent Fund Dividends.
10. To provide for the direct popular election of the attorney general, all judges, and magistrates.
11. To provide for the development of unrestricted, statewide, surface transportation and utility corridors as needed by the public or any individual.
12. To affirm and assert every possible right-of-way established under R.S. 2477 of July 26, 1866, before its repeal by the Federal Land Management Policy Act of October 21, 1976.
13. To support the right of the individual to keep and bear arms.
14. To support the complete abolition of the concept of sovereign or governmental immunity, so as to restore accountability for public servants.
15. To support the rights of parents to privately or home school their children.
16. To support the privatization of government services.
17. To oppose the borrowing of money by government for any purposes other than for capital improvements.
18. To strengthen the traditional family and support individual accountability without government interference or regulation.
19. To support the right of jurors to judge the law as well as the facts, according to their conscience.
20. To support "Jobs for Alaskans...First!"
Confirmed by Statewide Convention
Fairbanks, Alaska 2008
All other copies are void
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I dont see what is so unpatriotic or evil about this.
I thought we fought a war about breaking off from the union. Didn't you learn anything from that?