No, the fact that evidence points to a massively rigged election in many states led many in Congress to plan to object to electors in several of those states until investigation could be conducted. Whether such investigation would ever be conducted was still a question, and remains so. Those breaking into the Capitol were misguided that it was a reasonable course of action, but not one Trump instigated. Accusing Trump of that is just one more lie of the Dems and their minions.
The Dems ran a deeply corrupt candidate in 2016, one who should have been investigated but wasn't. The Dems again ran a deeply corrupt candidate in 2020, one who should have been investigated but wasn't. Instead, the Dem deep state maneuvering was always to try to frame Trump for what they were guilty, all without result. The Dems are quintessential liars and hypocrites. And that's the truth.