He is a religious leftist if he advocates same-sex marriage, and he does ...
You don't know what you're talking about!
O'Reilly tied the court's decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act and vacate California's Proposition 8 with with last year's decision to uphold President Obama's healthcare law, claiming that both cases were evidence that "the Supreme Court has morphed into a political organization, not a body that seeks to uphold the Constitution."
O'Reilly added that he did not aim to discriminate, but that "the gay marriage issue should be decided by each state."
That's not supporting gay marriage, that's supporting state's rights. Figure out the difference!
It's an important one. DOMA was doomed from the start, and it is somewhat miraculous it didn't get overturned before the last court session. It was a blow to state's rights, and in the end, that is all that is going to preserve common sense, is letting each state make its own decisions. Conservatives who want to legislate at the national level against abortion, gay marriage, and other moral issues are taking those issues out of the best weapons we have, the individual states, which are far more likely to preserve morality than the federal government ever will.
"The compelling argument is on the side of homosexuals," O'Reilly said Tuesday on Fox. "That's where the compelling argument is. 'We're Americans. We just want to be treated like everybody else.' That's a compelling argument, and to deny that, you have got to have a very strong argument on the other side. The argument on the other side hasn't been able to do anything but thump the Bible."
O'Reilly has previously stated he takes a libertarian view on the issue, and repeated Tuesday night that it's a decision that should be left up to the states. "I support civil unions. I always have. The gay marriage thing, I don't feel that strongly about it one way or another."
Distasteful as those statements may be, they are essentially correct. It is difficult to allow heterosexual singles to provide medical coverage, for example, for their significant others while denying them to "gay" couples. Civil unions are not marriages, and we don't even need legislation to allow them. The couple need simply draw up a contract, and there you have it.
Saying O'Reilly "supports gay marriage" is asinine.
, and refers to the proponents of one-man, one-woman marriage as "Bible thumpers" and defends his use of the term, and he does. O'Reilly is a Roman Catholic but not a very conservative one. He is no Cardinal Dolan. So I am calling him a liberal in regards to his book on theology and on his theology. As you know, a religious liberal is a term that is a hundred years old and it means someone who is neo-orthodox or worse.[/QUOTE]