Thomas Helwys
New Member
No, it is you who are lying and slandering by your accusations. Nothing I said in that post is a lie or slander. See, you are an empty vessel, and the truth is not in you. All you can do when you have no ground to stand on is what you have just done. It is you who have attacked me personally. But that is what you do. And you can get away with it because you are a moderator.
Everything I said in that post is true. And you are in good company with those denominations on this issue because you believe as they do and not as Baptists do. What is not true about that? You believe as they do on this issue.
So, your accusations are hollow and false.
Any objective reader can tell who is being dishonest, slanderous, and falsely accusatory and who is not.
If you give me a warning, I will call you on it because I don't deserve it, but you deserve one. Do you have the integrity and courage to be fair and objective? We'll see.
OK, DHK has given me a warning for this post. But notice what he said to me in the post I replied to, which is exactly what he accused me of saying!! So, I guess the same standard doesn't apply to moderators as it does to regular members. He can initiate personal attacks, but when I defend myself, I get a warning. And he can continue to insult and personal attack and get away with it. So, what does that make him?? Besides, the things he has accused me of I have not done.
If this is the way this board is operated, I will not stay. I expected fairness on a Christian forum, not abuse of power. So, let's see just how Christian this place really is. I'm anxious to see whether it is run with fairness or hypocrisy. This will be interesting.
If DHK gets an infraction for the multiple posts he has made with insults, personal attacks, and false accusations against me, I will consider the issue resolved. If not, I will take appropriate actions.