I'm developing a guideline for "Qualifications of a Pastor," utilizing 1 Tim 3 and Titus 1. Any thoughts from the peanut gallery? As I go through the study of some of the words, any recommendations on commentaries (to use or to avoid)?
I've got several resources; I'm just looking for cross-references.
Brother- I know you have the doctrinal things covered, but let me toss out a few fundamental things to look for!
See if they have social media accounts, and check those puppies out thoroughly ...
Question him over and over about his belief system when it comes to things like:
homosexuality, tolerance, political correctness, how he'd handle a report that a member may have molested or assaulted a child or other member, his views on divorce, and remarriage, abortion, helping the homeless, serving in missions, going to skid row, and so importantly, I'd ask him right out how he feels about race relations? Ask him how he'd handle a riff between several members on the pastor search team, or between a couple of deacons, or staff? Ask him how real the devil is in relation to the ministry, the community, the world, and how he prepares himself to stand strong in the face of fiery attacks, and even how he views the devil.
The devil things may sound silly, but until I had my first encounter with demonic attacks on me and the church, I didn't think Satan was relevant. In fact, unless I saw a man in a red skin tight outfit with a arrow like tail and pitchfork with horns on his head, I''d not be looking elsewhere!
I realize these are things that may seem rather redundant to many of us, but, if we ask, we will be sure he is on firm footing both Scripturally as well as morally; AND WE WILL NOT BE SURPRISED DOWN THE LINE.
You have my prayers ... and I pray you put together one mean recruiting/interview tool!
Pastor Paul