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While Jesus spoke the following words in response to Nicodemus' failure to understandinb being "born again," He could have just as easily said them following your comment.
John 3, NASBWho understand the language of quantum mechanics and physics well, other than someone schooled deeply in those fields? Yet we have texts that attempt to simplify some of those concepts to be understood by the layman. Did you want God to command Moses to get a Ph.D in quantum mechanics so he could understand God's words in describing a technically detailed manual laying out the creation? Or should we be glad and feel blessed that God chose not to go into great detail for the sake of 1) brevity, and 2) focus.
1 "Truly, truly, I say to you, we speak of what we know and testify of what we have seen, and you do not accept our testimony.
12 "If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?"
Hint: His focus wasn't to teach us quantum mechanics. It was to teach us about Him. Nonetheless, He had Moses choose very deliberately from the words he could write to describe the creation, to point us in the right direction. Scientists who reject the Genesis creation have chosen to look in the wrong direction.
Well let me say, I have a VERY shallow understanding of quantum physics and mathematics. I only know enough to be dangerous.
You are so correct, the intent of scripture in the creation narrative was absolutely NOT to teach such concepts, it was rather, (IMO) to instruct, relative to other creation narratives, that the ONE responsible for the cosmos, was in fact the one and only true God, YHWH.