Make sense? Do you know what a "rhetoric device" is? Maybe not?
Rhetorical device - Wikipedia
Sure I do...
I've used them myself, ( more so in the past ) but mostly in an effort to get the reader to stop and look really hard at the ramifications of a particular teaching about the Bible, or even more importantly, what the words on the page actually state and how they relate to other passages that say the same ( or a similar ) thing.
More than anything, I tend towards "logos" as a method of persuasion and leave out any appeals to emotion.
Regarding discourse level, I sometimes prefer to use a little amplification and pleonasm, as well as antanagoge.
I've been known to use hyperbole, but I'm getting past that, by God's grace.
I hate innuendo, as well as desiring to get away from procatalepsis as much as possible.
I've recently used hypophora and still do, while I make regular use of metanoia.
I don't use sonic devices, nor do I feel the need to make use of word repetition, word relation, or much in the way of irony or imagery ( like I once did )...
Except in the case of metaphor ( rarely ), simile ( equally as rarely ), and once in a great while metonymy.
I do use synechdoches fairly often, though.
What I find personally interesting, is that I'd never learned any of this through speech class, debate class or any other means...
Some things just came to me in the process of interacting with people, and then I saw that many of the tactics that I had learned when I was younger, were against the Lord's commands ( like derision, innuendo, diasyrmus, aporia, and irony ) regarding Christian conduct.
In my short time here, I've noticed that this forum is literally filled with rhetorical devices on both sides of this subject.
Hopefully I'll abandon them someday altogether, and simply let God's word do all the speaking.
He doesn't need any help from me anyway.