Ok. Now it is time to move this thread along and give my first hand personal experience with my Church going all the way through the PDL. I actually read the PDC about 11 years ago when I was in Seminary, and used to be one who really liked the concepts that were espoused in it. I readily admit that as I have grown older and read more from the Bible, I have grown to have some problems with some of the theology that seems to be the reasons for some of the methodology which is espoused.
Theologically, as I have discussed on another thread in another forum, I have a problem with the whole idea that the lost world is seeking God, and therefore, we should make our services more seeker sensitive. For more information about the reason for my objection to this idea, please see
my post in this thread here.
It seems to me that this theological framework seems to be the foundation for everything that is done in the PDL. If we make the Church more seeker sensitive, then we will attract them in and hook them long enough to preach the Gospel to them. The problem, as I see it, is that the methodology is based on non-Biblical theology: that totally depraved sinful lost humans will seek, or are seeking God. Therefore, we must appeal to them. The problem is, that the lost do not seek God. They seek their own sinful desires. Therefore, what are we appealing to?
Other things which bothered me during the PDL (which I also readily admit may or may not be the Church leadership's fault, and not necessarily the fault of Rick Warren nor the program; nonetheless, this is my experience with it in my Church) are as follows:
1. We were constantly told to bring our PDL books to Church. It was as if it had become the Bible. We did our Sunday School lessons out of it, to the exclusion of the Bible.
2. The Pastor prominently displayed the PDL on the pulpit during the sermon, but there was no Bible to be found in his hands or on the pulpit during his sermon.
3. Instead of hearing, "This is what the Bible says", all we heard was, "Rick Warren says..." this and "Rick Warren says..." that. It was the most surreal experience I had ever been through. I felt like everything RW said was taken as Gospel truth and any dissent was looked upon with scorn, much the same way it is on this board many times. It was beginning to feel like a cult.
This is my personal first hand experience with the PDL in my Church. I am sure there are some things that I have forgot and might have left out since it happened a year and a half ago. If so, I will post it later. Now, is there anyone else out there whose Church went through the PDL and had similar experiences?
Joseph Botwinick