I don't like the LS movement. It is confusing - read my other posts - it is insufficient as a title when it comes to expressing our conviction concerning the person of Jesus Christ.
I would agree "it is insufficient as a title," because Lordship Salvation is a Doctrinal Debate, it is not a denomination.
I personally understand what is meant however by those who propound it, yet I still disagree because babes in Christ need to be carefully nurtured and dealt with in patience and long suffering. Milk not Tbone at first.
Lordship Salvation doesn't really impact babes as much as it does those with long association with Christ. How often do you see babes debating it, lol. Usually, the names that arise in this debate are well known teachers.
Secondly no one can tell me or anyone else when they have achieved a passing grade in LS.
Completely irrelevant to Lordship Salvation.
If you have sat under teaching that has used the title Lordship Salvation for legalism, I am very sorry for you, but, that is no more credible than Charismatics using the name Baptist.
Lordship Salvation deals with genuine salvation as opposed to false association for the most part. The primary argument being that if it doesn't walk like a duck, talk like a duck, swim like a duck...it might not be a duck.
The purpose is primarily to combat what some call Easy Believism, and some call "greasy grace." That one can be saved and for the rest of their lives ignore Christ and the evidences of salvation given us in Scripture.
What? Must I attend morning and evening service and midweek prayer service, tithe my income, make a missionary pledge, etc, etc...
Could you show me a Lordship Salvation adherent that teaches such doctrine? I would be right there with you to stand against the equally erroneous teaching that salvation demands adherence to man-made doctrines. But that is completely unrelated to the debate about Lordship Salvation.
That is Manship Salvation, lol.
Third, when one is critical of LS then comes the inevitable "you don't understand LS" or "you misrepresent LS".
And it is generally true. You are evidencing that you view Lordship Salvation as legalism, and while there may be those who borrow the name for their legalistic teachings, that doesn't mean that this is what Lordship Salvation deals with.
Here is a teaching from a Lordship Salvation teacher directly speaking about Lordship Salvation:
What Is Really at the Heart of the Lordship Debate?
It should be obvious that these are real doctrinal differences; the lordship controversy is not a semantic disagreement. The participants in this debate hold widely differing perspectives.
Nevertheless, the issues have often been obscured by semantic distractions, distorted interpretations of lordship teaching, mangled logic, and emotion-laden rhetoric. Often it is easier to misconstrue a point than answer it, and sadly that is the tack many have taken. All it has done is confuse the real issues.
But, to be clear, the lordship controversy is not a dispute about whether salvation is by faith only or by faith plus works. No true Christian would ever suggest that works need to be added to faith in order to secure salvation. No one who properly interprets Scripture would ever propose that human effort or fleshly works can be meritorious —worthy of honor or reward from God.?
The lordship controversy is a disagreement over the nature of true faith. Those who want to eliminate Christ's lordship from the gospel see faith as simple trust in a set of truths about Christ. Faith, as they describe it, is merely a personal appropriation of the promise of eternal life.
(the title is the link)
I would just recommend taking a look at what Lordship Salvation teachers believe, and recognize that "distorted interpretations of Lordship Salvation" do not mean that is what is in view when this controversy arises.
Not really, I escaped from such a local church as a new born in Christ.
It sounds like what you escaped from was a legalistic church. If you attended a church that properly taught the issue I doubt seriously you would feel the need to "escape." But you can look at the teachings of MacArthur on GTY.ORG and see if you disagree with what he teaches. I'll be happy to look at it with you.
I don't often express my anger, but in My own personal opinion and FWIW -
Your opinion is pretty clear: you think Lordship Salvation teaches legalism and works-based salvation. You have identified a church you "escaped from," and putting two and two together, it is reasonable to assume they taught "attend morning and evening service and midweek prayer service, tithe my income, make a missionary pledge, etc, etc..."
That's not Lordship Salvation, that is the teachings of the doctrines of man, and has nothing to do with following Christ and being His disciple.
the LS movement has done more harm than good to the church by the "strong" laying heavy burdens upon the backs of the weak and the babes in Christ and no doubt have driven many babes from church attendance.
And as long as people misunderstand the issue they will continue to give credibility to those who hijack the name for their purposes.
A parallel would be saying "The Baptist movement has done much harm because they teach ecstatic speech," because one was a member of a "Baptist Church" that was charismatic in their doctrine.
Matthew 11
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
And this is how things go in many of these discussions about Lordship Salvation...Bible Pong. "You show me your verse that teaches that men must do works and I will show you mine which teach that works are not important."
That's not the issue.
The issues that do apply are usually overlooked. There is the tendency to go to extremes where both sides can trespass into positions that are not Biblical: legalism and antinomianism.
You say that the Lordship Salvation "movement" has done much harm, so, I would suggest that as a spokesman for Lordship Salvation, John MacArthur is at least near the top of the list as a credible spokesman for Lordship Salvation. On his site, GTY.ORG, he has plenty of teachings about the issue. If you would like to go through some of them, and point out that which you object to, then we could address the issue within credible parameters, rather than from a perspective of one who has attended a fellowship that claims to teach Lordship Salvation.
I can understand getting "angry" about false teachings, believe me, but, let's make sure our anger is directed at the right false doctrine and the groups that teach them.
God bless.