You May Want to Reconsider this?
If you [really, truly, completely] turn the service over to the Holy Ghost, you may end up with some of the supernatural manifestations that got me in trouble on another post just last week.
Most pastors turn the service over to the Holy Spirit with "restraints." They may not like what happens if they turned it over, and God's presence came down and a mighty rushing wind blew through the place. I've been in both kinds of services [unfortunately most of the services have been those with limitations], and seen what God can do.
I remember one pastor letting the praise and worship take full control over the service. No preaching, not announcements, no preaching. Just singing [sort of like where John says in Revelations that the throngs and angels surround the throne of God and 24/7 sing "Holy, holy, holy!"], and getting deeper and deeper into the worship side of singing, and the outcome was pheromonal, as more than half the church made their way to the altar by the end of the service. The altars were full, and staff had to call upon lay leaders to assist with praying with the lage number of people who were waiting at the altars. The altar service went on for two hours after the singing ended, and the entire service lasted more than three hours.
For those who worried about the offering, The ushers stood at the back doors and as people filed out in their own time, they dropped their tithes and offerings in the buckets. BTW - It was one of the largest offerings in that church's history.
That is what happens when we turn the service over to the Holy Ghost.
Our pastor allows the spirit to have certain freedoms in church, but if he feels the control over the service slipping beyond what he is comfortable with, he quickly interrupts the Spirit, often leaving those who know what was coming, hungry for more. However, most of those in the pews, don't realize what the pastor did, because they have not yet been in a service where the Holy Ghost was given FREE REIGN.
I love your thoughts, HAMel, I just wish churches knew how to let go and let GOD!
What's wrong with turning the service over to the Holy Spirit?
Turn the services over to the Lord and stop all the nonsense. :BangHead:
If you [really, truly, completely] turn the service over to the Holy Ghost, you may end up with some of the supernatural manifestations that got me in trouble on another post just last week.
Most pastors turn the service over to the Holy Spirit with "restraints." They may not like what happens if they turned it over, and God's presence came down and a mighty rushing wind blew through the place. I've been in both kinds of services [unfortunately most of the services have been those with limitations], and seen what God can do.
I remember one pastor letting the praise and worship take full control over the service. No preaching, not announcements, no preaching. Just singing [sort of like where John says in Revelations that the throngs and angels surround the throne of God and 24/7 sing "Holy, holy, holy!"], and getting deeper and deeper into the worship side of singing, and the outcome was pheromonal, as more than half the church made their way to the altar by the end of the service. The altars were full, and staff had to call upon lay leaders to assist with praying with the lage number of people who were waiting at the altars. The altar service went on for two hours after the singing ended, and the entire service lasted more than three hours.
For those who worried about the offering, The ushers stood at the back doors and as people filed out in their own time, they dropped their tithes and offerings in the buckets. BTW - It was one of the largest offerings in that church's history.
That is what happens when we turn the service over to the Holy Ghost.
Our pastor allows the spirit to have certain freedoms in church, but if he feels the control over the service slipping beyond what he is comfortable with, he quickly interrupts the Spirit, often leaving those who know what was coming, hungry for more. However, most of those in the pews, don't realize what the pastor did, because they have not yet been in a service where the Holy Ghost was given FREE REIGN.
I love your thoughts, HAMel, I just wish churches knew how to let go and let GOD!