OkI do believe that God saved me. I also believe that the Fall was a part of God's "eternal purpose".
God did not plan the Fall, he planned for the FallThink of what you are denying by rejecting this. You are denying that Christ is the "Lamb slain before the foundation of the earth" because you are denying that God planned on the Fall before Creation.
Arsonists plan fires,firefighters plan for fires
God is omniscient,He knows the end from the beginning meaning contingencies as well. He does not plan contingencies, he works with them towards his goal/purpose.Since you reject the Fall and the redemption of man as a part of God's purposes, how do you reconcile Psalm 22 (which was written centuries before the crucifixion) with the events of the Cross? Was it just a lucky guess on God's part? Or do you believe someone the Psalm to be pseudohistory?
In the same conviction you claim God elected to save you before creation, would you say God elected 911, and as such it was of GOD and not man?
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