If someone teaches something straight from scripture and just nails it dead-on and it's about recommitting to exemplifying the love of Christ to others through the Spirit within us...well, what would think if
someone didn't respond.
I understand that some people won't respond to certain things at certain times, that hey, maybe the lesson that day isn't an issue for them and they've perfected or come really close to perfection in that certain area, but what about those things that one can never perfect and should always be willing to work on?
Is it wrong to feel angry that they had absolutely no response to the opportunity to recommit? Especially when they weren't asked to make it a separate public announcement or anything of the sort, simply that if they wanted to recommit, they could do it within themselves during communion, but then they don't even bother to take communion so that's two heart-breaks in one.
What if you were the teacher? Would that just amaze you to see people walk out afterward an intensely spiritual lesson from a person with an amazing calling to teach from the heart?
I'm curious about this. I am seriously in a bit of shock. There was a Israeli national teaching, totally amazing spiritual gift for it, and to see people just walk away after really confused me. Am I judging them? Yes. I think that was so wrong. Nobody ever is perfected in their love for their neighbor. And who walks away from communion? Maybe someone who needs more help, but the help was there and a number of those who didn't go simply went and had lunch in the next room.
What on earth is going on with God's people?! This scared me. Scares me. The hard-hearted people who aren't moved by the most earnest pleas.
someone didn't respond.
I understand that some people won't respond to certain things at certain times, that hey, maybe the lesson that day isn't an issue for them and they've perfected or come really close to perfection in that certain area, but what about those things that one can never perfect and should always be willing to work on?
Is it wrong to feel angry that they had absolutely no response to the opportunity to recommit? Especially when they weren't asked to make it a separate public announcement or anything of the sort, simply that if they wanted to recommit, they could do it within themselves during communion, but then they don't even bother to take communion so that's two heart-breaks in one.
What if you were the teacher? Would that just amaze you to see people walk out afterward an intensely spiritual lesson from a person with an amazing calling to teach from the heart?
I'm curious about this. I am seriously in a bit of shock. There was a Israeli national teaching, totally amazing spiritual gift for it, and to see people just walk away after really confused me. Am I judging them? Yes. I think that was so wrong. Nobody ever is perfected in their love for their neighbor. And who walks away from communion? Maybe someone who needs more help, but the help was there and a number of those who didn't go simply went and had lunch in the next room.
What on earth is going on with God's people?! This scared me. Scares me. The hard-hearted people who aren't moved by the most earnest pleas.