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Pesky Problem


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As we grow up, our world view is shaped by the cultural norms of our locality.

Thus if that culture teaches false doctrine, then those who believe in it, are weaponized to carry out
godless activities, believing they are in the right.

Did those who perpetrated the October 7 raid on Israel think they were doing evil, or did they think their actions were justified?

If you believe the American economic system is systemically racist, why not loot and riot, since the actions are "justified."

If you believe "black lives" do not "matter" as much to whites, then why not burn and pillage?

Those that stoke the fires of "white privilege" have a vested interest in pushing the false narrative. Those that teach Israel has no right to exist from the river to the sea have a vested interest in pushing the false narrative.

Tyrants might see "re-education" camps as a solution, yet Christians believe in "persuasion," but those raised in a malignant culture pretty much have closed minds.

Hence, the pesky problem only Jesus can resolve.


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Nearly half the voters voted for the Dems. This may partly be attributed to the cultural upbringing.

Before the civil war, the argument for slavery and against abolition was "who will pick the cotton?" Our economy relied on slave labor.

Today, we have folks says, we must not deport criminal aliens because "who will pick the strawberries?"

It is the old, our people are better than those people, argument used against slaves, native peoples, Jews, Irish and so forth and so on. Tribalism!

Demonic influence on at least half our voters.

Dr. Bob

And have to be sure the other half of us who do see reality/common sense don't become complacent since we are seeing how FAST culture and events change (every four years). Sin lay at the door (in the heart) of both camps.


Well-Known Member
And have to be sure the other half of us who do see reality/common sense don't become complacent since we are seeing how FAST culture and events change (every four years). Sin lay at the door (in the heart) of both camps.
To be certain, the radicals have spent the last 50 years putting into place the mechanism that allowed the last four years to occur.

They followed the old saying, “the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world”.

They started in our colleges, radicalizing the teaches, lawyers, politicians that would shape our education system.

They taught our media personalities, reporters, entertainment professionals; so that everything we see or read reinforces the radical message.

We have watched the politicization of “science”, the legal system, our businesses. We have seen western countries (Canada, Australia) put pastors into jail for preaching the Word of God. The U.S. was close to that very thing as well.

We have seen over the last few years parents voluntarily taking 4-5 year olds to watch grown men dressed as women twerk and jerk for amusement. We have parents demanding their daughters share locker rooms, bathrooms, showers with mentally ill men that think they are women. They attempt to destroy anyone that dares to disagree and some have been put into jail for voicing their concerns for their daughters.

It is my sincere hope the course correction is not temporary, but as someone already mentioned, we tend to get complacent.

Evil is bold and never rest. Let us never grow weary of the fight to do what is good.

Peace to you


I knew a guy who was shot down over Sardinia and spent a few years in a Luftstalag in Germany. He told me that they were liberated by Patton and all ran out wanting to kill some Germans before the war was over. Patton had to round them up and put them back in the camp.

To me this represents a more clear picture of human nature than a decision making process of rioting or killing Jews. There is that within our hearts that would kill, rape, loot, and riot given the chance. Even brutal consequence is insufficient to completely restrain our sinful nature. The death penalty for theft was an insufficient deterrent for the two people executed with Christ.

I find it helpful to be aware of what is in me naturally to maintain continuing gratitude to Christ for having a new nature.


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Scripture teaches we are to raise up our children in the way they should go, so acting on behalf of Christ, in shaping our cultural norm is better than saying no effort is needed as we cannot remove our depraved nature.

Ask yourselves, why does it seem so easy to weaponize Islam such as to create a culture where October 7 seems justified? Other, none Jude-Christian cultures seem not to foster large numbers of terrorists. One common factor seems to be a "my way or the highway attitude" where other views are banned of worse. On the other side is to treat others like we want to be treated. Refute, instruct and persuade, rather compulsion.


We are in the age of grace, thou shalt not kill.

We do what we don't want to do, what a wretched life.

But we can be born again!
