As we grow up, our world view is shaped by the cultural norms of our locality.
Thus if that culture teaches false doctrine, then those who believe in it, are weaponized to carry out
godless activities, believing they are in the right.
Did those who perpetrated the October 7 raid on Israel think they were doing evil, or did they think their actions were justified?
If you believe the American economic system is systemically racist, why not loot and riot, since the actions are "justified."
If you believe "black lives" do not "matter" as much to whites, then why not burn and pillage?
Those that stoke the fires of "white privilege" have a vested interest in pushing the false narrative. Those that teach Israel has no right to exist from the river to the sea have a vested interest in pushing the false narrative.
Tyrants might see "re-education" camps as a solution, yet Christians believe in "persuasion," but those raised in a malignant culture pretty much have closed minds.
Hence, the pesky problem only Jesus can resolve.
Thus if that culture teaches false doctrine, then those who believe in it, are weaponized to carry out
godless activities, believing they are in the right.
Did those who perpetrated the October 7 raid on Israel think they were doing evil, or did they think their actions were justified?
If you believe the American economic system is systemically racist, why not loot and riot, since the actions are "justified."
If you believe "black lives" do not "matter" as much to whites, then why not burn and pillage?
Those that stoke the fires of "white privilege" have a vested interest in pushing the false narrative. Those that teach Israel has no right to exist from the river to the sea have a vested interest in pushing the false narrative.
Tyrants might see "re-education" camps as a solution, yet Christians believe in "persuasion," but those raised in a malignant culture pretty much have closed minds.
Hence, the pesky problem only Jesus can resolve.