Lifeway is absolutely horrible on more than one point.
First, as a company, organization, indoctrinating force, whatever you prefer to call them...
They clearly have a political agenda that shows up in the curriculum.
But worse than the philosophy and agenda which drive the lessons, is the scriptural abuse employed. It is obvious to me that they FIRST determine whatever ultra-conservative political stance they wish to convey, then scour the scriptures to find whatever scripture they believe will come closest to representing their preconceived notions.
That way they can claim that God said it.
An example is when they spent about a month on homosexuality and beastiality, right after several states began to allow gay marriage. The beastiality was thrown in for appearance sake, so the political agenda didn't show to the sheeple.
At a Sunday School "training" conference, a Lifeway spokesman was singing their praises, that the coming year, each week would have a consistent topic through every age group. I raised my hand and said that we had just spent a month in the aforementioned topics in my class, and I only had one comment about that:
I had a 7 year old boy in Sunday School; and if I find out that he's learning about sexual activity, somebody's head is gonna roll.
They can keep their political agenda, as far as I'm concerned. SS should be about learning the scriptures, not about gay marriage or what Hobby Lobby is encountering at the hands of the government.
Next, the curriculum itself is just about worthless for learning the scriptures. Every ounce of theology is dust deep, verses pulled out of context almost every week, and twisted to a strange meaning.
The body of Christ would be well served if Lifeway went bankrupt and stopped printing their worthless trash.