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Peter’s Tomb desecration


Well-Known Member
There is no difference between the demonic spirit of the thug and of the idolater pilgrims, all them are guided by the spirit of Devil, doing what is evil and is condemned by the Word of GOD.
The Word is GOD, GOD Himself, the Father, and self-executing. He spake, and all were done-Psalms 33:9

You aren’t contributing meaningfully to this thread, as with others, stay out please.


Well-Known Member
You aren’t contributing meaningfully to this thread, as with others, stay out please.
What is your demonic topic for? Why don't you go out to the site of your demonic and apostate church?
I do not give space and food to demons, the time is of harvest, and the command of the Lord is to gather the tares and casting them in the fire to be burned..
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Dear Oseas,

As much as I am not a Catholic, that's misinterepting the word. The angels are gathering the tares, and anyhow. We should be like Paul, rebuking peacefully with meekness, kindness.

Also, what thou hast posted is irrevlant to the dicussion.

Cathode, yes, its unacceptable that people are hurting the specuhlres of people.


Well-Known Member
Dear Oseas,

As much as I am not a Catholic, that's misinterepting the word. The angels are gathering the tares, and anyhow. We should be like Paul, rebuking peacefully with meekness, kindness.

Also, what thou hast posted is irrevlant to the dicussion.

Cathode, yes, its unacceptable that people are hurting the specuhlres of people.
I posted what my Lord JESUS said, and what my Lord JESUS said and commanded never was irrelevant, understand?


Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
What is your demonic topic for? Why don't you go out to the site of your demonic and apostate church?
I do not give space and food to demons, the time is of harvest, and the command of the Lord is to gather the tares and casting them in the fire to be burned..

Typical SDA drbble. Meanwhile demonic SDA abortion mills keep killing babies.


In the 1960s I was stationed in Germany and took vacation in Rome. I visited St. Peter's. It was very dark and almost empty. I wandered through the complex looking for the Sistine chapel (I now know it is a different building in the back.). In the main building I found some lit lamps and was going to light a cigarette on one when a guy who was sweeping the floor called out ?non fumore" which meant no smoking.

I related this incident to a Catholic friend once who saw in my action irreverence. I asked him to consider what Peter would have said to me if he had been there himself. I doubt he would be offended by my irreverence, but instead might have said that smoking was harmful.

We all construct edifices that take on greater significance than they should. Seeing "thugs" and "pilgrims" further from truth than we are it should spur us to pray for them that they would come closer to truth. To indulge revulsion, condemnation, and disgust tends to elevate ourselves and distort our own ability to see truth.


Well-Known Member
In the 1960s I was stationed in Germany and took vacation in Rome. I visited St. Peter's. It was very dark and almost empty. I wandered through the complex looking for the Sistine chapel (I now know it is a different building in the back.). In the main building I found some lit lamps and was going to light a cigarette on one when a guy who was sweeping the floor called out ?non fumore" which meant no smoking.

I related this incident to a Catholic friend once who saw in my action irreverence. I asked him to consider what Peter would have said to me if he had been there himself. I doubt he would be offended by my irreverence, but instead might have said that smoking was harmful.

We all construct edifices that take on greater significance than they should. Seeing "thugs" and "pilgrims" further from truth than we are it should spur us to pray for them that they would come closer to truth. To indulge revulsion, condemnation, and disgust tends to elevate ourselves and distort our own ability to see truth.

Great, I’ll light a Cohiba at a Baptist Church, put my feet up and pour myself a Scotch.
There’s appropriate and inappropriate places to do theses things, people’s churches aren’t the place.
I try to show respect in people’s churches, not impose on their kindness and understanding.

Saint Peter’s Basilica is the grave site of thousands of Catholic martyrs killed in the Roman arenas, is full of incredible history and has magnificent sacred art, but what you came away with was that you couldn’t smoke in there.

Sounds like you didn’t appreciate where you were or what you were looking at mate, there is a lot more to the place.


Smoking is harmful, and should not be done.

Anyhow, we should respect the burying places of anyone no matter who they were.


Well-Known Member
Smoking is harmful, and should not be done.

Anyhow, we should respect the burying places of anyone no matter who they were.

Vatican Hill was Rome’s garbage heap, martyred Christians were dumped there in the thousands.
The early Christians wanted to be buried near Saint Peter, and eventually shrines and churches were built over the site.

Saint Peter is buried under the High Altar of Saint Peter’s Basilica.

“ And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”


Interesting, anyhow we shouldn't fear those who can destroy body but the soul.

About the Peter verse, I wish to ask why used Hades and what is Hades as a Catholic?




Well-Known Member
Interesting, anyhow we shouldn't fear those who can destroy body but the soul.

About the Peter verse, I wish to ask why used Hades and what is Hades as a Catholic?



Where was Jesus when He taught this ?


“When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?”

14 They replied, “Some say John the Baptist; others say Elijah; and still others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

15 “But what about you?” he asked. “Who do you say I am?”

16 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter,[b] and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades[c] will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be[d] bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be[e] loosed in heaven.” 20 Then he ordered his disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.”

At Caesarea Phillipi was the great temple of Pan who was the gatekeeper of Hell, the gatekeeper of the underworld. All that is evil all that is error.

It is here where Jesus precipitates the events which establish Peter as the gatekeeper of Heaven, conferring on Him first person singular the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.
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Well-Known Member
Oh wow, and I will believe no such thing.

Pans Temple was know as the gates of the underworld, and pagans believed that the fertility gods entered the underworld through pan’s cave in winter. In spring they believed that the fertility gods returned through Pans cave.

This is also the area where earlier Israel worshipped Baal.

Situated at the foot of mount Hermon, where evil spirits were first came from heaven to Earth, it was a stronghold of evil from ancient times.

And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men 3 and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not 4 indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations 5 not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then sware they all together and bound themselves 6 by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn 7 and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, 8 Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.​

1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.”

This was the location where evil spirits first taught witchcraft and other evils to mankind, it was stronghold of evil and worship of fallen false gods.

Jesus was reversing all the evil that had come before since the time of Genesis, starting at its portal, and stronghold at mount Hermon where the evil spirits came to the earth. Mt. Hermon was the portal, the gates of Hell.



Well-Known Member
Typical SDA drbble. Meanwhile demonic SDA abortion mills keep killing babies.
What matters and prevails is the Word of GOD, the Word is from everlating to everlasting, the Word is GOD, GOD the Father, GOD Himself, self-executing/excutable, understand? JESUS left very clear, saying: Luke 11:24-26-> 24 When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest...and he goeth and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first.
Let the light penetrate, let the light penetrate, let the beautiful light of GOD shine within you, and then you will know who JESUS is.

And JESUS, the King, says unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire,-->prepared for the Devil and his messengers-2Corinthians 11:13-15.-->And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Romans 5:5-11

5But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the Day of Wrath and revelation of the righteous Judgment of GOD;

6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life:

8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the Truth, but obey unrighteousness, indignation and wrath,

9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth ev
il, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

11 For there is no respect of persons with GOD.

The message above will fulfill LITERALLY from now on, day after day. Get ready

By the way, the red horse of the Apocalypse has just been released, and begins to perform his devilish works as predicted in the year 95AD, when the Apocalypse was revealed. GOD Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent, foreseeing that from the lineage of the children of the Devil the Apocalyptic horserider of the red horse would be generated, then He warned us in advance about openning the second seal: Revelation 6:3-4--> 3 And when he opened the second seal, I heard the second beast say, Come and see. 4 And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword. ->(a demonic MOUTH, to speak of atrocities and cause them to kill one another throughout the world).

Get ready.


Pans Temple was know as the gates of the underworld, and pagans believed that the fertility gods entered the underworld through pan’s cave in winter. In spring they believed that the fertility gods returned through Pans cave.

This is also the area where earlier Israel worshipped Baal.

Situated at the foot of mount Hermon, where evil spirits were first came from heaven to Earth, it was a stronghold of evil from ancient times.

And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men 3 and beget us children.' And Semjaza, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not 4 indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations 5 not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' Then sware they all together and bound themselves 6 by mutual imprecations upon it. And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn 7 and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. And these are the names of their leaders: Samlazaz, their leader, Araklba, Rameel, Kokablel, Tamlel, Ramlel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, 8 Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are their chiefs of tens.​

1 And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms 2 and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. And they 3 became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: Who consumed 4 all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against 5 them and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and 6 fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.”

This was the location where evil spirits first taught witchcraft and other evils to mankind, it was stronghold of evil and worship of fallen false gods.

Jesus was reversing all the evil that had come before since the time of Genesis, starting at its portal, and stronghold at mount Hermon where the evil spirits came to the earth. Mt. Hermon was the portal, the gates of Hell.

Thanks for the history lesson, I recall hearing hades was some amusment park in Assyrian mythology.

Neverthless, I believe Hell is always hell in the Bible (A.V.) not Hades/Ghenna/etc.

Hell is the core of the earth, it and death shall be thrown into the lake of fire.

The fire therein burneth and tormenteth the inhabitants for ever and ever.

There is no second chances after entering, its not like Alice and the looking glass.

Its real terror, darkness, fire, and there is no purgatory.

Howbeit, I do apologize for going off-topic in this thread.


Earth Wind and Fire

Well-Known Member
Site Supporter
Great, I’ll light a Cohiba at a Baptist Church, put my feet up and pour myself a Scotch.
There’s appropriate and inappropriate places to do theses things, people’s churches aren’t the place.
I try to show respect in people’s churches, not impose on their kindness and understanding.

Saint Peter’s Basilica is the grave site of thousands of Catholic martyrs killed in the Roman arenas, is full of incredible history and has magnificent sacred art, but what you came away with was that you couldn’t smoke in there.

Sounds like you didn’t appreciate where you were or what you were looking at mate, there is a lot more to the place.
Simple solution….dont let non Catholics in the place…not if they haven’t been taught to have reverence (respect).