There's nothing new going on here. There's no new bigotry or racism or anti this or anti that. There's nothing unprecedented happening here, other than Obama. Obama is what's unprecedented. The Democrat Party is what's unprecedented. Transforming the country, doing damage to the country, that is what everybody's concern ought to be, not those trying to protect it. Here is Obama last night in Manila at a joint press conference with Benigno Aquino. During the Q&A a reporter said, "Would you care to comment at all on some of the discussion back at home about allowing Syrian refugees into the US? There have been some lawmakers talk about closing our borders to them."
OBAMA: Apparently they're scared of widows and orphans coming in to the United States of America as part of our tradition of compassion. At first they were worried about the press being too tough on 'em during debates. Now they're worried about three-year-old orphans. That doesn't sound very tough to me. They've been playing on fear in order to try to score political points or to advance their campaigns. And it's irresponsible. And it's contrary to who we are. And it needs to stop, because the world is watching.
RUSH: It's not contrary to who we are. What is this three-year-old orphan stuff? Folks, you know, this is childish. This is a petulant, childish man-child who's having trouble getting his way without opposition. Opposition offends him. How dare anybody oppose him. There are real concerns and we see them on television every day. We're living daily fear. The media. If there is no terror attack during the day, the media's got everybody in crisis mode on something else. Every day, everybody keyed up, there's a crisis of something happening that is threatening our health, our lives, our existence some way. Every day in the news. And here comes a real-life terror event, which is predictable, there will be more, and Obama impugns those who react to them.
This is childish. Contrast this to the president of France, Francois Hollande. He rallied his people. He tried to unify his people. He told the people of France they were gonna go find who did this and take 'em out. They were not going to be tolerant of this at all. Compare this to Barack Obama and once again he gets all jazzed when he has a chance to attack Republicans. He doesn't need any cue cards, he doesn't need a teleprompter. "At first they were too scared of the press being too tough on 'em in the debates. Now they're scared of three-year-old orphans. That doesn't seem so tough to me."
Men make up 72% of the refugees fleeing the Middle East by crossing the Mediterranean Sea into Europe. That's United Nations numbers. Seventy-two percent are men, military age, able-bodied men. Not three-year-old orphans. And of course the debate, Republicans weren't afraid of anybody. They were fed up and finally took the debate moderators out, long overdue.
But hang on. Last night PBS Frontline, they played an episode entitled "ISIS in Afghanistan," and here's a little portion of the program. Actually, it's two sound bites from it, looking at the training of children in jihad. And you will hear an unidentified narrator and journalist in this piece. That's the voices that you hear in the first of two sound bites. Ready?
NARRATOR: The fighters told Najibul that they received propaganda videos directly from ISIS in Syria and Iraq. They say they show the videos to the village children every day.
NAJIBUL: I was asking them, "Why are they watching in front of these young children?" They say, "They should learn. They should know from now," and it's normal for them.
RUSH: You mean they're teaching these young three-year-old orphans and five-year-old kids jihad? Yes, ladies and gentlemen. PBS Frontline inadvertently did it. I'm sure they didn't mean to undercut dear Obama. ISIS in Afghanistan shows how to raise young children into jihad, right on the heels of Obama saying, "You know, those Republicans fear three-year-old orphans? Ha-ha! Man, really tough! They embarrass me, afraid of three-year-old orphans." And here's the next sound bite...