God allows people to be president or things to happen for his own purposes. This does not mean we need forgivness if we did not vote for Obama!
Maybe God did want O to be president for his purposes. He used Cyrus, He used Nebuchadnezzar, he used Pharaoh in Egypt, he used Joseph's brothers' wicked plans against Joseph, etc., etc. God used people or nations to punish or bring judgment in the OT, though that is clearly stated in the OT, so I don't think we can discern when that is happening now.
We don't know what God is doing. The point is to trust God and know nothing thwarts His will.
We hire our leaders. They answer to us. Let me repeat, THEY ANSWER TO US! If they aren't listening to us we have the option to fire them. They have (depending upon office) a 2, 4 or 6 year probationary period. If performance is not to standard (US Constitution) they should be ousted. And I believe that everyone in Washington DC has tossed the founding document because we are not holding them to the terms of employment.
God did not set Obama in that office, Obama is there by His permissive will. We the People are in power by the will of Almighty God. We are the power ordained by the Sovereign God. However, somewhere down the line WE have forgotten that! The sooner we start thinking and knowing this, the sooner we can set this nation back on the course our founding fathers directed us.
I trust God to wake up the people He has placed in power to set this nation right.
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