Who is threatened by "A I." Those whose jobs can be performed by A I at lower cost.
Can you image busses, trucks, airplanes, trains all driven or almost driven by AI? If it can do a better job, those jobs are in jeopardy.
Will an A I program be able to "polish" what I write, fixing the spelling and grammar errors? Probably. Will this challenge the "graduate school power structure?" You bet.
Let us consider something closer to home, how about Pastors authoring a weekly sermon? Now a Pastor, or Shepherd is a whole lot more than an entertainer, or public speaker, and to build up a flock, providing both comfort and direction is a tremendous task. I have had the honor of being acquitted with several over my lifetime, and at the end of the day, they truly poured out their lives for our Lord.
A I does not threaten our community directly, but the breakup of family, friends, and community organizations, being replaced with "on line" entitles, certainly seems a weapon of the dark side.