Okay, a lot of these will sound like "duh" predictions but here goes:
1. the MSM will call the US in an official depression on 01/20/2017. It will stay in one.
2. price of gasoline will continue to rise until another bubble is popped, probably early in 2019..
3. Obamacare will be gutted, only portability and existing conditions will remain in whatever replaces it.
4. as another poster has pointed out in another thread, Trump will not only go to political war with the other party, but within the GOP.
5. that Manchin guy in WV will defect any day now.
6. green energy is dead.
7. Trump will appoint at least one SCOTUS juror, maybe two in his first term. RBG can't hang on much longer and wants out now.
8. there will be no tariffs or trade wars, Congress is dominated by free-traders for the most part - China will float the yeun after much diplomatic pressure, probably just once.
9. deportations will rise dramatically and that will be easier than constructing the wall - have many eminent domain cases to wade through.
10. as a result of the new SCOTUS, eventually RvW will be overturned and revert back to the states. SSM, not so much.
11. Another result of the new SCOTUS, the 2A will be incorporated and soon.
12. US/Israel relations will improve dramatically, Muslim countries will fall by the wayside.
13. Trump will very soon realize that a trillion dollar plus economy has to be run differently from a billion dollar business.
14. His cabinet will not be yes men for the most part but they will know how to manipulate him to think it was his idea all along.
15. Trump will cut off funding to balking sanctuary cities, some will stand up to him and raise municipal taxes to pay for the shortfall. It won't work.
16. Massive across-the-board deregulation and a move towards getting the government out of big business.
17. could be a shift from economic theory grounded in the Austrian school instead of the Keynesian for the first time in decades.
18. decentralization the the education system in general, Trump and his gang will push hard for school choice in the inner cities.
19. political correctness will go dormant for at least twenty years.
20. enough, saving the most "out there" prediction for last - Trump will be a one-term president or less and not because of impeachment or resignation.