"The recorded history of the Septuagint is that it was translated by Jews because many Jews could not read Hebrew anymore."
Can you site a source for this quote?
But many Jews could read:
Jesus knew Hebrew and read from books/scrolls that were in even the smaller synagogues. Luke 4:17-21, knew Hebrew: Acts 26:14
Jesus said that the Jewish leaders could read from Old Testament books. Matthew 12:5, 19:4, 21:42, 22:31
Here in these examples the Lord didn't read to the leaders, right? He recited the passages.
The Ethiopian eunuch read from Esaias. Acts 8:30
Paul said, I am "an Hebrew of the Hebrews." Phillipians 3:5
All these that are mentioned in the bible were unlearned in Hebrew and quoted the Old Testament from the Septuagint?
So now the Septuagint is an eclectic edition that happens to be the complete Old Testament and the Apocrypha. Is that correct?
Great they got most if not all of it.
And is there a verified BC date for these eclectic pieces or some are and some are not?
Not really sorry but I am using you and the forum as my book.
Feel free to not respond.
Here some instances where Jews and Greeks were worshiping together and could have used the Septuagint!
Acts 14:1 at Iconium
Acts 17:4 at Thessalonica
Acts 17:12 at Berea
Acts 18:4 at Corinth
Acts 19:10,17, 20:21 at Ephesus
Can you site a source for this quote?
But many Jews could read:
Jesus knew Hebrew and read from books/scrolls that were in even the smaller synagogues. Luke 4:17-21, knew Hebrew: Acts 26:14
Jesus said that the Jewish leaders could read from Old Testament books. Matthew 12:5, 19:4, 21:42, 22:31
Here in these examples the Lord didn't read to the leaders, right? He recited the passages.
The Ethiopian eunuch read from Esaias. Acts 8:30
Paul said, I am "an Hebrew of the Hebrews." Phillipians 3:5
All these that are mentioned in the bible were unlearned in Hebrew and quoted the Old Testament from the Septuagint?
So now the Septuagint is an eclectic edition that happens to be the complete Old Testament and the Apocrypha. Is that correct?
Great they got most if not all of it.
And is there a verified BC date for these eclectic pieces or some are and some are not?
Not really sorry but I am using you and the forum as my book.
Feel free to not respond.
Here some instances where Jews and Greeks were worshiping together and could have used the Septuagint!
Acts 14:1 at Iconium
Acts 17:4 at Thessalonica
Acts 17:12 at Berea
Acts 18:4 at Corinth
Acts 19:10,17, 20:21 at Ephesus