No, it is not a lie. Liberals hate Christianity. I should clarify. They hate the biblical version. They love the version of Christianity that does not have Christ in it. Liberals hate those who are authentic followers of Jesus. That's because they hate the Jesus of the Bible. They love "gentle Jesus meek and mild" the ecumenical Jesus that embraces homosexuality as normal, who makes no demands, who was just a nice guy with some nice things to say.
They hate the Jesus of the Bible, the Jesus of Revelation 19 and 20 who comes in power and glory to execute judgement on the living and the dead. They hate Jesus of the Bible who demands that they repent and turn from their sin. They hate the Jesus who says, "if you want to be my disciple, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me."
Liberalism is the antithesis of the authentic, New Testament Christian faith. It stands ideologically opposed to everything the Bible teaches. Liberalism is Anathema.
You've got it exactly wrong. Conservatives want to exclude the Sermon on the Mount and MAT 25. Red Letter Christians is a group that focuses on the words of Jesus in the Bible. They oppose those like you who pronounce their political opponents to be nonBelievers.
What Red Letter Christians Can Do When Political Talk Becomes Difficult – Red Letter Christians
What Red Letter Christians Can Do When Political Talk Becomes Difficult
The meanness that has been expressed toward various candidates, along with what is heard on “talk radio,” seems at times, to be extremely one sided and harsh.
Character assassinations have become normative and distortions of what candidates actually say has become common.
Nevertheless, there is an imperative for Red Letter Christians to speak about the crucial concerns that are impacting what will be decided by elected officials. We must do this, however, without being ugly toward those who are opposed to what we believe to be “Christian” points of view.
As the campaigns related to the 2020 election unfold, there is going to be a lot of meanness and hatred expressed. We Red Letter Christians are required to stand opposed to that kind of talk and, according to the red letters of Jesus,
“overcome evil with good.” May we Red Letter Christians say to those who refuse to be civil in political discourse that we are followers of Jesus who expects us to be kind to one another, even when that might seem difficult.
To make value judgments about whether a particular politician is a Christian is beyond our prerogative. As Billy Graham once said, “My task is to preach the Gospel. It is the task of the Holy Spirit to bring people under conviction.
And it is the responsibility of God to do the judging.” I think those should become the guiding words for all of us as we enter political discussions.
We should speak the truth in love and not judge others, lest we also be judged.
During the days that lie ahead let us each talk politics whenever we can with whomever we can. The stakes in the coming elections are high and we dare not remain passive.
We must, however, challenge any politician who dehumanizes their political opponents with degrading talk. That’s what Jesus was talking about when He said in Matthew 5:22, with words that are highlighted with red letters in my Bible, that
whoever degrades another person by what is said is guilty of “Raca” — which is akin to committing a grave sin like murder. That, it must be agreed, makes diminishing the humanity of another child of God serious stuff.