Essentially, the Liberal Reform Jews themselves, proclaimed this type of thing, in their "1885 Pittsburgh Platform". A manifesto to conquer/control the world.
In that platform, they plainly state that Catholicism and Islam are their "daughters". Inferring that they would eventually be working together, as we currently see in the "Human Fraternity Movement" and it's manifestation of the Abrahamic Family House.
But please don't include all Jews into this evil. The Reform Jews seek to replace the Orthodox Jews, the same way Absalom sought to replace King David.
Due to the Holocaust, these with their grotesquely evil agenda, have the cover they need under the oft repeated term Antisemitism.
The most Antisemitic people on earth are the Reform Jews, who seek to replace the Orthodox Jews. It is they that keep the term Antisemitism in the public eye.
The coming out of the closet, was in Hamburg, Germany on October 18, 1818. Yes, 18 is triple 6. Three 18s in that date. Could they be more obvious.
That is the organizational date of the Reform Jews Movement and their first Reform Temple. The Hamburg Temple.
This current Pope's real name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio. Yes Gog is in the center of his last name. Sandwiced by just one letter away from Berlin.
Assigning the simplest of codes: A is 1, B is 2, C is 3, ect,...........
Jorge Mario equals 111.
111 times the number of man, 6, equals 666. He's not the Antichrist, but he does appear to be a powerful political player in these perilous times.
We have a Catholic President, many Catholic Congress people, but most importantly 6, there's that number again, 6 Catholic Supreme Court Justices. Accompanied by 2 Liberal Jew Supreme Court Justices, and 1 Episcopalian.
God only knows how much influence this Political Pope could have or impose on the Supreme Court Justices.
And to top it off, the Attorney General of the United States is Merrick Garland. Garland is married to the granddaughter of Samuel Rosenman.
Who is Samuel Rosenman, just the first official American White House Council. FDR's Council during WW2 and the Holocaust.
When hundreds of Orthodox Jewish Rabbis d came to the White House during WW2, to seek audience with FDR, to request his intervention to stop the Holocaust. Rosenman counciled FDR, telling him, these are not your kind of Jews. FDR did not meet with the Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and did not intervene in the Holocaust that he knew was going on.