The pistol was concealed. How did the officer know the man had a pistol until he, the man, told him he had a permit and weapon ... as is required by law.
The gun is partially visible in Castile's lap in the video. This has been pointed out several times in this thread. Because I'm not dumb, I place no weight on the statements of the GF, such as her claiming Castile told the officer about the gun. And, Castile's 50+ stops shows that he has little concern about following the law. Driving with weed in the car and with a tail light that's broken is someone who doesn't care about the law.
BTW, I don't even care what the officer said. I expect them both to say whatever they can to support their side, no matter what the truth is. And, I suspect you also don't really care what either said. Why would you take her word over his, if you care? You're just using the GF's statements as cover for your prejudice.
How did the policeman know the man's record when he stopped him?
You need to work harder on understanding what's said to you. I didn't say anything that implied the officer knew the man's record. It's like you chose not to understand the point I clearly made.
I had not thought about the policeman being Hispanic. Why do you dwell on race all the time.
The only reason this shooting is in the news is because your side claims it's about race. Take ownership and stop accusing others for the prejudice of your side. Of course you didn't think about the officer being Hispanic. He is white to you, because you wanted this to be about white racism. The BLM crowed and your peers frequently make comments about white police vs black and Hispanic people.