Actually, Poncho, I've agreed with you all along.
Some will call a spade a spade... and some want to find a more 'appealing' term.
In the two major parties, we have no one running for President, that is not a crook... except for Ron Paul. He is still in the running. But the smartest ones among us are quick to discount him as out of the race... like the Republican ticket is already determined. Oh, yes, Mike Huckabee is also still in the running. Even the Democrats know they still have a convention before they really have a candidate. At lot of things can happen between now and the party's conventions. And.... in every state where a third party or more offers a candidate, there is a choice besides the two parties front men.
Religion is politics. I wish it weren't, but the leaders of this world are already aligning themselves up to unify into a global government and global economy. Already we see signs of political figures calling for unity or compromise in religion: the leaders of Saudi Arabia; the conversion of Tony Blair from Anglican to Catholicism; the Pope. We've seen the Pope apologize to Islam for telling the truth...... Since when did the truth require apology? Its politics! Preachers, in our country, cannot stir the public waters: If they create a stir; if they inspire to political action; if they get their names published connected to a cause... the IRS keeps tabs..... and if it serves the purposes behind the IRS, to harrass and prosecute for taxes, a church which was incorporated.... or an unincorporated church based upon its special tax status in the community which made it comparable to recognized exempt organizations get trapped into the same 'give unto Ceasar.
To preach against sin is politics. To preach against abortion is politics. To preach against 'gay' lifestyle is politics. As a Christian, I don't think about it as being 'politics' but that's the viewpoint of this world....
Government and many others are quick to point out the church should preach on Romans 13. Well what and why is the government sticking its nose in to what a preacher preaches. The preacher should only have to answer to God for his message and the leadership of the flock... not the government.... The deacons and trustees of the church should not have to concern themselves with the conflicting of political position with the liberty Christ gives the pulpit... but they do, or are constrained to positions of restraining the pastoral position to protect the tax status of the church against enforcement of IRS, which should not be.
Romans 13 is part of the Bible, but in and of itself, has no superiority over other scripture. A government whose power comes from God is to be followed and supported by Christians cause it works for our peace and good. A government which does not work for our peace and good nor follow the justice and righteousness of God... is not to be followed as though we are blind.
Why the move by political leaders towards unifying the religions? Yes, it is a fulfillment of Bible end times prophecy.... but it is not because of any deep desire these leaders have of wanting to know and follow after their Creator. The devil is behind their power, and is deceitfully leading them and the masses under them to eventually bow to him in 'worshipful' obediance of his government.
One day the Harlot will gain power for a time. She is being courted by the religious and political leaders of the world to help make a system which can unite all people under both religious and government rule. Her end will suddenly come, upon 7 hills she sits... and she will burn in that day when those who conspired with her and found her useful for their purpose, turn against her and destroy her with their covert hatred.
The New Age is the religio-political movement of the end age.... and folks like Oprah and Schuller are leading many to open to it. If they profess to believe the Bible....everyone believes them without opening their Bibles at home to see how its being compromised and watered down. When Oprah claims, the preaching of a jealous God was an offense to her as a child, and turned into unbelief, she is not only creating her own religion, but is using her authority and success and her failure to understand that God is not jealous of her... into dissimination of false information which misrepresents the Jewish and Christian teachings.
Jesus is coming soon.... 'Til then we need to be spiritually exercised, well studied, and have our eyes and ears wide open in preparation and stablility for the unstable times we may face ahead, and protection against deception. Our slowness to start applying now to discipline, observance, and discernment, troubles me greatly as I see the day of deception rapidly approaching.
One may ask me to separate the spiritual from the politics... but I can't: They are together more than most of us know!