Get your facts straight: the Republican-held House sent forth a bill that funded the government, but not the ACA. The Democrat-controlled Senate said no. The Republican-controlled House then sent forth several bills to fund the government, including one to fund the NIH; the Democrat-controlled Senate said no, and the Democrat president is laying the blame for not funding NIH and the government on the House. The House is refusing to fund ONE part of the government budget; the Democrats keep saying "all or nothing."
Can you imagine what a mess we would have if you let a small group of radicals cherry pick ... in essence have a line item veto on the budget.
By the way, can you imagine what a mess we would be in if you let a small group of radicals cherry pick the budget ... in essence have a line item veto? That is what you are advocating.
Now if the Republicans controlled the Senate and the Executive Dept. and the Democrats the House and the Democrats were acting like the Republicans you would be screaming about the terrible Democrats.
You say you are Independent, but you surely are a Republican apologist. Be honest about it. Thanks in advance.