Since I own no guns, I cannot really select an option from the poll. However, I can offer some thoughts on the INTENT of the Second Amendment and “what if it was repealed”.
It might be a step in the right direction towards achieving the goal of the 2nd Amendment in the modern world. Owning a handgun or semi-auto rifle in this day and age would be equivalent to allowing citizens to own a Bowie Knife in the 1700’s. That would hardly be an effective deterrent to a tyrannical government. That means that our handguns provide no real protection from the Government, but just offer an ILLUSION that we are armed against government tyranny. The status quo offers the worst of both worlds … access for tragedy, illusion of security from tyranny and no real protection from tyranny.
With the realities of MODERN TECHNOLOGY and a ban on gun ownership, one could easily acquire the INFORMATION and CAPABILITY to PRINT a L.A.W. (Light Antitank Weapon). Thus the citizens need OWN nothing, yet would retain the capability to ACTUALLY defend themselves against a tyrannical government (which was the intent of the Second Amendment). There are already online plans for full-auto weapons that can be manufactured with equipment purchased for hobbies at home.
I do not think that eliminating legal gun ownership is either practical or a solution likely to succeed even if tried. Nor do I think that civilian defense against the central government is our greatest threat. I am merely pointing out that the GOAL of the 2nd Amendment is no longer dependent upon “well regulated militias” … technology has changed the playing field.
For Christians, the battles and war will be won or lost on the home front as society embraces or rejects the “ways of God” … just like the nation of Israel. We seem to be circling the bowl as our world become more and more of a toilet. (The largest ‘Club’ in my daughter’s HS is the LGBQT Club … that bodes poorly for the next generation.)