The democratic party has always been the political party of slavery, of the confederacy, of the Ku Klux Klan, of Jim Crow, of Bull Connor. Instead of physically forcing "people of color" into slavery or to the back of the bus like they did back then; Satan has now upped their game against the weak-minded common people "of all colors".
Seems nearly every leftist-run local and state government throughout our country has been riddled with corruption and their own pocket-lining while the actual public they are sworn to serve suffer economically and socially. This is certainly also true at the federal level. Seems every member of the last administration entered office with modest personal wealth but left office gaining multiple millions, even billions in personal assets. Globalist and Chinese pay-offs they desperately want to hide. You see, public office to these types only means their own self-service. They are the ruling class over you and will keep you in slavery. They now use deception, lies, coercion and manipulation with the vast resources of the globalist-owning media. Instead of physical slavery, they now keep their slaves through ideological and emotional slavery. Bribing these deluded minions with the impossible promises of free everything, except free-thought and free-speech. Keeping them oppressed and fully dependent upon the scraps from the left's white, elitist's table (socialism). Satan is a liar and father of it.
As in 1865, although the slaves wanted freedom, more specifically, more freedoms, more than half did not want to be freed completely.
To be free means self-reliance and that intimidated most of them which is understandable. They had no upbringing into the culture of self-reliant America. What will we do with this freedom? Where will we go? How will we live? Work? shelter? etc....... This the same today, the globalist-owned media spend half their air time falsely accusing those they disagree with as being racist and the other half of the time they divide everything by race and the injustices done to minorities to victimize them. Brainwashing them with the idea that the government owes and therefore MUST take care of them. See the new slavery?
Socialism and one-world government begins soon