Matthew 6:7 “And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words.
We are not heard because of our many words but because of long hard words in faith. We are heard because of our faith.
Gentile means (non believer -heathen) .He is referring to nonbelievers not believers who are to do LONG hard prayers. This is what I mean jezebel you have not the Holy Spirit therefore can not understand the language of scripture. The meaningless, repetitious prayer of the non believer is one of those works outside of faith. The many words of the Rosary are scriptural and you can never do too much of repeating those and is a long hard prayer in faith.
Ephesians 6:18
18 In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. (Pray hard and long). Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other's spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.
The scriptures can not be BROKEN . I am correct because I do not contradict either scriptural verses . I keep the scriptures one as God is one. Context is important to understand. And God is the interpreter and author of His Word.
The Rosary is a long hard prayer in which we ask all of heaven to pray for us, beginning with the profession of faith. The word (universal) in that, simply means all of the universal consensus 'I believe in the Holy Spirit ONE Holy (universal) Apostolic Church-The Church established by Christ through His apostles. And all who believe in that are all of one universal belief: affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group; applicable to all cases.
So this universal consensus is applicable in all cases of believers of our particular group.
Which is upholding the teachings of Jesus Christ. That ,(should) span across denominational lines. It is simply all agreeing upon the Profession of faith in Christ. It is that Hard Long prayer that helps brothers and sisters . There is NOT one thing in it that is not true. And is not the meaningless =(faithless prayer of the gentiles). When you become a believer you are Hebrew= Traversed One. That is what Hebrew means. You come from one side of things (river) to the other side . You leave behind you former life as Abraham did. You are circumcised in heart, spirit and mind. You are no longer a gentile. Gentile simply means Non-believer and heathen. The Holy Spirit has blessed me in understanding origin and meaning of words. That is why there is no Greek, Jew, male and female but simply The Spirit of Christ and all are Hebrew in Him= Traversed Ones in Him.
So clearly, the Rosary is not one of those MEANINGLESS prayers , but a LONG HARD prayer, which is meant to fight long and hard against satan.