I am not surprise that pop said this and acknowledges same sex marriages. Considered the wide spread pedophilia in the Catholic church and cover up of such abomination, acknowledgement of gay marriages not worth a headline.
I think that many churches who allowed it to happen truly became Satanic churches. There is no middle ground in the issues of sexual abuse or same sex marriages. Whoever and whatever GOD condemned, as true Christians we cannot accept, otherwise we became like them. But in the case with the pop, GOD rejected homosexuality in all its forms, but pop and Catholic church accepted!
And while church clergy have their own excuses and explanations, they became Anti-Christ churches in full meaning of this word.
Matthew 12.30 (Luke 11.23)
30."He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me, scatters.
But it is not only a problem with the Catholic church, other denominations start switching to the same Anti-Christ mode. While ago I used to go to the Lutheran church, mainly to listen the pipe organ music which I like very much.
And one day I noticed above the entrance of the church the rainbow flag. So I went inside and asked one of the pastors of the church why they put this flag at the entrance?
He told me that church accept all people just like Jesus Christ accept all people and died for all. I told him that I do not mind if gays and transsexuals, and others of similar life style will come to the church in order to repent, confess, and to change, because Jesus Christ done the same for prostitutes and tax collectors who repented and regretted they deeds.
So I asked him again, "Do you and the church actually accept their life style, and them as they are?" And he said yes.
I stopped going to that church and even ask forgiveness from the Lord for attending their services, I feel that I defiled myself and shake hands with the people who are opposite of Christ. I do not deny my sins, I am also sinner, but I do not accept my sins and the sins of others, particularly of those people who do not repent and do not regret their sins, but live in them like is nothing wrong.
Now I also understand why government and some institution in US leaning more toward Islam, and many educational facilities in US actually teach Islam, sponsored by Saudi Arabia.
Because Christian values are not longer today compatible with the politics of the country, and Islam is certainly much better option because its values and teaching are completely different and not required high moral standards as the Christian values and teaching are.